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Link Juice: Definition, How It Works, and How To Get It

Last updated: Apr 03, 2023

What is Link Juice?

Link juice is the value that is passed from one website to another. This value measures the strength of a given link to strengthen the relationship.

If a website provides references to other websites with dofollow links, then the positive impact can also be felt from there.

The existence of this juice can have a positive effect on the PageRank and TrustRank of a website.

This way, search engines will see the referral as a recommendation from a website with high authority.

The more value you get from the “juice”, the stronger the website's performance from an SEO standpoint.

The "juice" from these authoritative links can be obtained internally and externally. Websites can be strengthened with links from other domains or pages on the website itself.

Here, the links used need to be adjusted to the context and needs of the page. This is very important to do so that the value of this link can be optimized.

How Link Juice Works

To explain how the "juice" of this link works, we'll explain it with a scenario below.

Websites X and Y have the same domain authority. However, X gets five links from other websites, while Y only has three external links.

The logic of this principle is that X, who gets more external links, will get a higher ranking than Y.

Another factor to consider here is channeling the “juice”. Websites that receive links exclusively have a greater chance of ranking higher than websites with links provided to more than one website.

It should be noted that the strength of the "juice" from other website links is influenced by several factors, such as:

  • High quality content that is relevant to the website
  • High PageRank or TrustRank score
  • Pages that occupy the top position of the SERP
  • User-generated content
  • Popular among social media audiences

On the contrary, the strength of the links on this website will not be optimal or even have a negative impact if they do not come from credible, high quality, and authoritative sources.

How to Get More Link Juices

In order for the website to get more "power", you need to take several steps in the strategy to get more high quality links:

Internal Linking

Apart from external websites, you also need to consider the power that can be obtained from internal linking.

Internal linking is a source of link juice that has the potential to increase the value of a website.

To do internal linking, you need to do keyword research first. Make sure the keywords used cover the topic of discussion in an outline.

For example, pages with the keyword "content optimization" can be linked to related discussions such as keyword density, use of meta titles and meta descriptions, and so on.

Once you've created that content, you can link it to high-priority pages with the products and services your business offers. 


To maximize the reach, you need to use hreflang tags in content with both local and international intent.

This tag works to direct search engines to different versions of each page based on the user's language and location.

To make it easier, you can add hreflang tags in the XML Sitemap by providing a single file to help search engines detect all pages and their translated versions in various languages.

High Quality Content

The "juice" from the links that enter the website will be stronger if the content itself is of high quality. The point here is that the content must be able to answer questions from users.

In addition to information that is relevant to search queries, the existing content also needs to be optimized with targeted keywords.

You must not only create new content but also make the best use of existing pages. The trick is to update the information and add visual elements that help clarify the context of the article.

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