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Inbound Link: Definition, Benefits, and How to Get It

Last updated: Sep 07, 2022

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What is Inbound Link?

An inbound link is a link from another website that leads to your website. It is also commonly known as backlinks. The way it works is the other sites will give you backlinks that will eventually lead their audiences to your website pages.

An inbound link is one of the three types of links that are helpful to optimizing content on a website. The two other types of links are outbound links and internal links.

The Importance of Inbound Links for SEO

Why are inbound links important for a website? Inbound links can have a positive impact on SEO practices. The benefits of inbound links are as follows:

Bringing Traffic to Your Website

Using inbound links can be an alternative option to bring traffic to your website other than relying on organic searches or advertisements. It is because other websites will recommend your site to their audiences through the inbound links attached to their pages.

Surely, this can have a positive impact on you, especially if the site that gives you the backlinks already has high popularity and millions of followers or repeat visitors.

Increasing Page Rank on the SERP

Inbound links are used by Google as one of the factors in determining the rank of a website page on the SERP. The higher the number and the quality of the links, the better the score Google will give your site.

Nevertheless, you need to remember that not every backlink can increase your ranking on Google. There are several criteria that determine the quality of inbound links, which are their relevance to the topic of your content, sites with high domain authority, and sources that come from many different websites.

Forming Associations with Other Businesses

If you get an inbound link from a website that is closely related to yours, then it can provide an opportunity for you to form an association and build a relationship with the site itself. For instance, you can collaborate on customer referrals with another website to bring in new customers.

Build Brand Awareness

Your website can gain brand awareness through inbound links that you gain from credible and popular websites. It can work since the visitors of the sites may potentially click on the links attached on their web pages that direct them to your site. That way, more users will recognize your site and start to be aware of its brand.

How to Get Inbound Links

The best way to get inbound links is to use natural and organic methods. It is important to not bring in traffic by tricking search engines through comment spamming or buying a domain with a high authority score and then attaching your website like on its pages.

Here are the tips to get inbound links properly:

Make an Interesting User Interface

The first method of getting an inbound link is to make a good user interface. Many people will avoid recommending websites with bad interfaces. that is why you will need a good UI or user interface design that can make other site owners provide backlinks for yours.

Produce High Quality Konten

High-quality content not only attracts more viewers but also more inbound links.In return, users will consider your website as a legitimate source or a reference to make content for their websites.

To achieve that goal, you should make content that fits the E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) standards according to Google. In doing so, your content will be considered the trusted source for many websites.

Choose Keywords Wisely

One of the parts of the high-quality content production process is finding the right keyword. In this case, you should not only consider the search volume of the keyword, but also its relevance to the topic and its competition on the SERP.

The right keyword can help users find your content easily. It can also help you win the competition and increase the chances of your website getting backlinks from other sites.

Optimize the Use of Pictures

Another form of optimization you can do regarding inbound links is to use pictures. By providing the right pictures or infographics, other websites can see their potential and use them in their content as well. In this case, they will mention you as the provider of the image and attach the inbound link that will lead your audience to your website.

Promote Your Content on Social Media

Aside from website aspects, you can also optimize to get inbound links from social media. Share your content on several social media sites so you can bring in traffic from other brands’ followers and other users alike.

Perform Guest Posting

The other way to get backlinks is by doing guest posting. There are many sites that give their readers a chance to contribute by writing content for them.

What you need to do is make a list of websites that allow guest posting and contact them. Then you can ask them to collaborate so you can attach your site’s link to the content that you will publish on that site.



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