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Semantic SEO: Definition, Function, and How to Optimize It

Last updated: Jun 26, 2024

What Is Semantic SEO?

Semantic SEO involves optimizing content based on context, the relationships between words, and search intent. This practice aims to enhance a website's ranking on search engines by providing content that aligns closely with what users are searching for.

For example, if you type a common keyword into Google Search, such as the word "banana," you will get a variety of information, such as fried banana recipes, the health benefits of bananas, and so on. 

These search results are the results of previous searches where many Internet users typed the word "banana" into the search box.

However, if you type the word "banana" in the search bar and then type a space, you will get several suggestions for the next word, such as "Cavendish banana," "Manzano banana," and others. The suggestions that appear in the search bar are called SEO semantics.

So, why semantic SEO is important? This SEO practice helps search engines, like Google, to understand the context and intent of your content, ensuring it reaches the right users. 

By focusing on SEO semantics, your content becomes more in-depth and aligned with search intent, potentially ranking higher over time due to its accuracy and relevance.

This can also build content relationships, enhancing your visibility in search features on search engine result pages (SERPs), such as listings, People Also Ask, and rich snippets, which in turn boosts online traffic. 


SEO Semantic Function

Semantic SEO serves as a source of inspiration for content creation. You can discover what keywords users frequently search for by entering a keyword into Google and observing the suggestions. 

This technique complements keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner by revealing real user searches and helping you identify relevant topics.


How to Optimize Articles with Semantic SEO

Semantic SEO can improve your website's and pages' rankings by ensuring your content is contextually relevant to what users are searching for. But, how to optimize semantic SEO? 

Here are steps to optimize your content using this SEO pattern. 


1. Conduct Semantic Keyword Research

Begin by researching keywords and topics that match user intent. You can create a list of keywords and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords that are semantically related to the targeted phrase.

Then, identify long-tail keywords to clarify the intent behind your content creation. After you find the needed keywords, organize these keywords into clusters based on similar queries. 


2. Create Relevant Content

Next, you can create content with a high level of relevance so that it can appear at the top of search results.

You can also update your content regularly to maintain its relevance to current user needs. This practice signals to Google that your content remains up-to-date.


3. Create Content that Answers "People Also Ask"

The "People Also Ask" feature usually appears when you type in certain keywords. This feature contains questions that are often typed by users and are related to the keywords you entered.

Content that can answer questions in this feature can be a solution for users, as well as increasing website authority in the eyes of Google. 


4. Include a Table of Contents

Don’t forget to include tables of contents. The table of contents or outline displays the subtopics discussed which helps readers find the answers they need in your article.

Additionally, content with a table of contents also has a greater chance of appearing in Google's featured snippet feature.


5. Use Structured Data

Implementing structured data to help Google understand your content easier. In addition, structured data can increase the chances of your content appearing in Google's rich snippets.


6.  Create Conversational Content

To optimize content with SEO semantics, write content in a conversational style to cater to the increasing use of voice search technologies. 

As voice search technology develops, Google is now also paying attention to conversational content. Natural, dialogue-like content can improve user engagement and search engine ranking.


7.  Distribute Keywords on Content

Distributing multiple types of keywords in the content will also support the content's ranking in SERPs for targeted keywords. This strategy helps elevate your website’s traffic.


8.  Create Extensive Content

Last but not least, you need to create in-depth and extensive content. Develop comprehensive content that thoroughly addresses user needs. Detailed content can enhance your credibility and attract quality backlinks, which accordingly improve your search engine rankings.

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