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7 Powerful SEO Hacks to Increase Website Traffic

Last updated: Jun 20, 2024

SEO Hacking
Cover image: Illustration of a powerful SEO hacking method for better visibility.

What is SEO Hacking?

If you want more people to visit your business website from search engines, then SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategy is what you need.

SEO helps increase a website's visibility to be placed at the top of search results. However, you can employ a more efficient approach, which is SEO hacks.

SEO hacking is a quick experimental tactic to increase organic web traffic effectively. Here's more on SEO hacking and what you need to know.


7 SEO Hacking Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

SEO hacking is a technique to take advantage of loopholes and opportunities in search engine algorithms to push your website to the top of the rankings.

If you want to increase traffic for your website, then there are several things you need to do to maximize the results. Here are 7 SEO hacking techniques along with the explanation.


1. Alt Text Optimization on Images

If you have several images on a page, make sure they are readable by Google Bot. 

In performing SEO hacks, you can add alt text or alternative text to describe images on your website.

Alt text helps search engines like Google understand the images you put on a page.

SEO optimization on images through alt text also helps your website visitors get information more easily through images embedded in the page.

For example, when the target audience searches for images on Google Images, the images on your website have more possibility to be found in the search engine.


2. Long Tail Keyword Identification

The use of long-tail keywords is one of the tactics you can use to increase website visibility in search engines. 

In long tail keywords, the queries used are much more specific with clear intent, making it easier to win top rankings.

Here are the differences between short-tail keywords and long-tail keywords:

Short tail keyword: Diet food menu.

Long tail keyword: High fiber diet food menu.


3. Placing Keywords in Page Titles, Descriptions, and Headers

Including keywords in page titles and headers can also help Google understand the content of a page.

The better Google understands your content, the more likely it is to appear when potential visitors type keywords in search engines. Here are some ways how it can be done:

  • Place the target keyword at least once in your title tag and meta description.
  • Put the target keyword in the URL slug.
  • Insert the keyword in the page header and the beginning of the article, along with a variation of the main keyword.
  • Finally, add keywords in the alt image.


4. Create SEO-Friendly URLs

URLs have an important role in SEO. A URL that is easy to understand, clear, and SEO-friendly will increase the chances of your website being ranked at the top of the Google search engine.

In this case, make sure to include the targeted keywords in the URL so that Google can understand your web content better.

Many people make the mistake of only entering the main keyword in the URL. For example, just a main keyword "brand awareness" can confuse Google Bots and humans.

The best way to SEO hacking is to use more specific and descriptive words, e.g. "strategies to increase brand awareness". This will help Google understand your website better and increase the chances of appearing in search results.


5. Optimize Content for Search on Google Voice

The next step in SEO hacking is to optimize Google Search Voice. This feature allows users to search for information via voice commands and mimic natural conversation.

Think of questions that the audience often asks in their daily conversations and add keyword-based questions to reach the target audience.

Then creating short, complete, and SEO-friendly answers in your content will increase the chances of your website appearing in search results organically.


6. Pay attention to the number of keywords

The following step is to pay attention to the number of keywords in your website content. Too many keywords (keyword stuffing) will likely cause drawbacks to the website.

Google Updates continues to evolve and imposes penalties on websites that engage in keyword stuffing, which means that doing this practice will lower the website's ranking in search engines.

To avoid this situation, create content with targeted keywords and make sure the placement is not excessive.

In addition to the number of keywords, make sure the keywords used are not too general and still relevant to your target audience.


7. Link Building Optimization

The last step in performing SEO hacks is to optimize link building. There are two ways of doing it, namely by email outreach and creating quality content.

  • Email Outreach: Increase backlinks by contacting the intended target (website owners with high credibility) and include content or page links to their websites that are relevant and in your niche.
  • Content Framework: Create quality content that has value and significantly helps readers find the information they are looking for.
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