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SEO Terms | User Interface (UI)

Last updated: Mar 31, 2022

The Definition of User Interface (UI)

User Interface (UI) is a space where the interaction between computer and human happens, in which all the interactive components, either software or hardware, provide much information and control for all users to complete certain tasks using interactive system. There are two elements in User Interface (UI), namely:

  • Input : Allow users to manipulate system
  • Output : Allow system to give feedback from system manipulation done by users.

The Use of User Interface (UI)

Companies need something unique in their products in order to attract consumers. In this case, User Interface Designer is needed because with a good User Interface, the company will get potential visitors to buy their products using the attractive product displays. There are three things that can make a user interface good, namely:

  • Visual Design

Visual design increases the visual values such as font, color, without decreasing its functions or contents.

  • Interactive Design

Interactive design observes how users interact with computers. It then uses the interaction understanding to make an interface with a well thought action. 

  • Information Architecture

The information architecture is designed to help users find the information that they need to complete various tasks.

Types of User Interface (UI)

  • Natural Language Interface

Natural Language Interface is an interface spoken by users in which they do interaction by talking to the computer. The examples of the use of this type can be found in the Cortana which is found on Windows or Siri on Apple. 

  • Question and Answer Interface

Question and Answer Interface is a type of user interface in the form of questions and answers between computers and humans, in which the computer will display a dialog of questions to the user on the computer screen. For example, when we want to exit an application, a dialog appears “Are you sure you want to exit from the application?" 

  • Menu

Menu-based user interface is often found on ATM machines. This type of UI provides a simple interface, and is easy to use by the users by pressing a button. 

  • Form Fill Interface

Form-based user interface uses text boxes, drop-down menus, text areas, check boxes, radio buttons and buttons to create electronic forms that users fill in to enter data into the system. 

  • Command Line Interface

Command Line Interface is the oldest UI in which the computer responds to typed commands by users, but it is not ideal for beginners as it requires users to remember a variety of different commands. 

  • Graphical User Interface

Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with a computer that is configured with graphics in its presentation.

Good Characteristics of User Interface (UI)

1. Clear

Clarity is the most important element of user interface design. If people cannot figure out how the application works, it will have a negative impact on the product and users will no longer use it. 

2. Concise

Clarity in the user interface is necessary, but it must also be concise, because if there are too many explanations, it will waste much users' time for they have to read and understand many things. 

3. Familiar

In user interface, creating a design that is familiar to users will make it easier for them to operate the product. 

4. Responsive

In user interface, a display that quickly loads makes for a great experience for users. Not only that, the user interface must be able to provide feedback about what is happening in its operation to users. 

5. Consistent

Consistent User Interface enables users to learn certain things from the previous users' experiences. 

6. Attractive

User Interface must be created well and attractively, because it can improve the users' experiences well. 

7. Efficient

User Interface must implement a display that enables users to easily get to what they want.

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