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How to Do Keyword Research to Attract More Traffics

Last updated: Jul 09, 2024

How to Do Keyword Research to Attract More Traffics
Cover image: The illustration of keyword research by cmlabs team. Keyword research is the first thing to do when you implement SEO. That is why in doing it you cannot pick any keywords you like. Take a look at this guideline to understand more about it

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In writing content, some people often find it difficult to choose keywords that are relevant to internet users' queries. This is why it is important to understand how to do keyword research before producing content.

Keyword research can help you find accurate keywords for your niche. In addition, it is also useful for improving website performance and reaching a wider audience.

In this guide, we will discuss how to do keyword research to attract more organic traffic. Follow the steps we recommend below to get optimal keyword research output.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is an activity carried out to determine the most appropriate keywords for articles or web content. In choosing keywords that are relevant to a user's search query, you need to know what are the possible phrases that internet users will use when searching on the search engines.

Web owners want the content they produce to reach their targeted audience. However, choosing keywords carelessly can ruin that goal. Because keywords that are less relevant to user search interests tend to be more difficult to drive traffic to your website.

Therefore, keyword research is important to do to help you find potential high-performing keywords for your website. With keyword research, you can also find out the estimated number of internet users who are looking for these keywords and find out how competitive these keywords are in the SERP.

Before choosing keywords for your content, you need to understand the following components of keyword research in order to achieve the output you expect.

Keyword Research Component

You can use the following keyword research components as a reference in choosing relevant keywords so that the content you produce performs better in organic search. There are four components of keyword research that you need to know, namely:

  • Choose seed (main) keywords with accuracy
  • Enrich with related & keywords variation
  • Use long-tail keywords
  • Control keyword density

Pay attention to the detailed discussion regarding how to do keyword research to attract more organic traffic below.

Choose The Seed Keywords with Accuracy

Keywords are one of the core elements of SEO. As we know, search engines will assess the suitability of content with keywords that internet users are searching for, then display them as relevant search results.

If you target keywords that are sought after, of course, the chances of your website getting organic visits are even greater. In this case, you need to select seed keywords accurately.

Seed keywords are the main keywords that you will use in the content. The process of the cmlabs team in conducting comprehensive keyword research can be measured using several accurate keyword parameters.


  • Search volume: the average number of keyword searches per month. The greater the search volume, the higher the intensity of the search.
  • Keyword diversity: the difficulty level of keywords in the top 10 organic searches. The value ranges from 0-100. The higher the number, the more difficult it is.
  • Clicks: the average number of monthly clicks on search results pages for certain keywords.
  • CPC: cost-per-click (CPC) shows the average price advertisers pay for each click on their ad in paid search results containing the target keyword.


Our SEO specialists will sort keywords with high search volume but have a medium to low KD (keyword difficulty). Then it is analyzed how the competition is, whether it is at the Low, Medium, or High level. After doing a series of research, then choose 1 keyword as the main keyword.

The output of this keyword research is that you will get the main keywords that have a great chance of bringing in more visits organically.

Enrich with Related & Keywords Variation

Targeting one main keyword is not enough. You need data about keyword variations, lists, placement techniques, and density to produce strong and high-quality content. Keyword variety is needed to produce richer and more in-depth content.

The richer the variety of keywords, the greater the opportunity to capture various types of keywords that users may type in search engines.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

A keyword does not absolutely consist of 1-2 words. Take advantage of long-tail keywords, a technique to specify keywords that have the potential to reap higher search volume. Choosing long-tail keywords usually need to be adjusted to the user's search intent.


  • Long-tail keywords have more than 2 words, and can be 3 or more words
  • LTK has a small search volume (but not 0), with low competition

Other methods to find user’s search intent for your business:

  • Position yourself as a user. Estimate what services they need. How do they convey it, and how's the language.
  • Direct communication with customers to find out what information they need.
  • Check out online forums, even the comments column. Learn what questions customers frequently ask. Learn how they express their needs.

Control The Keyword Density

Keyword density refers to the ideal number the keyword within a content. cmlabs has developed a well-designed tool to check keyword density, namely Word Counter to make it easier for you to produce good content which is SEO-friendly.

  • Understand the ideal keyword density for main keywords and keyword variants
  • Consider the SEO-friendly and human-friendly aspects
  • Avoid a density of more than 3% on the main keyword so that it is not considered spam

You should always consult with an SEO and content specialist to control the keyword density aspects. This is not only about meeting SEO standards, but also a formula for concocting keyword placement so that it remains smooth, natural, and doesn't seem pushy.

Thus the discussion related to keyword research to attract more organic traffic. Make sure to always choose keywords that are in high demand and relevant to your niche. That way, you can see the output of keyword research that benefits your business website.




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