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What is CTA? Learn the Definition, Types, and How to Make It

Last updated: Aug 23, 2022

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What is CTA?

In general, a CTA is an element on a website that incites users or visitors to perform an action. Calls to action, or CTAs, are typically written in command phrases like 'Enter' or 'Register.' Basically, CTAs take the form of buttons or hyperlinks.

In digital marketing, calls to action on website pages are usually found as text on top of buttons or site links. For an advertising campaign in the form of emails, CTA generally takes the form of links that direct users to a website page where they can take further actions.

Why is CTA Important for a Website?

As one of the important elements of a website, a CTA is basically a sign board that helps users decide the next steps. Without clear calls to action, users may not be able to continue to the next step, which is either to buy the products or register as a member.

So, you may be wondering, what is CTA essentially for websites? It is an effective method to assist users to finish an activity. With the existence of calls to action, the procedures for doing something are easier to understand. Hence, it allows the user to finish a transaction.

The role of CTA in digital marketing is to lead users to a particular page. Usually, a CTA has to be recognizable so users can see its button or link. In short, CTA should be able to drive users to keep interacting with the site and finish their entire activities on it.

Types of CTA

Call to action refers to the user’s request to the website. Hence, it can be said that CTA is an element that has various forms depending on its context. CTAs are typically found at the end of a blog post or as a button on a website.

There are several types of CTA that you may need to know about, which are:

Lead Generation

In the world of digital marketing, attracting users to be customers or leads is a crucial step that needs to be taken. To do that, you need to design a CTA that can potentially attract users.

Generally, a website uses pop-up banners that direct users to register as members, such as ‘Sign up now!’. Usually, links on the buttons will direct them to the website’s landing page and display the registration form.

Registration Form

Calls to action can often be found in the form of the phrases ‘Register’ or ‘Sign Up’ on the landing page. In this case, the goal of CTA is to direct users to fill in the registration form so they can get access to the next page.

Read More

Generally, CTA is used to produce a lead by completing a registration form. However, the type of CTA like ‘Read more’ will only take users to another article or a web page in the same website.

Usually, the button ‘Read more’ can be found in the display of articles on the homepage. By using that button, users can explore and read the content as a whole. Such a thing can increase the page’s traffic volume organically.

Share to Social Media

Today, social media engagement has a big impact on a website’s performance. Sharing links of a web page to social media can increase the traffic volume significantly. Generally, the form of CTA in this case is the logo of each social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Lead Nurturing

Directing users or leads to try a product is one of CTA’s roles. In this case, a call for action that can often be found is “Try it now for free!” and many more. Such a button has to be placed strategically so users can easily find it.

Transaction Completion

A CTA should assist users or visitors to complete a transaction. When they purchase products, their status will change to customers. Usually, the example of a CTA in an online transaction is the ‘Buy now’ or ‘Checkout’ button.

Tips on Making CTA 

In the world of digital marketing, the use of CTA is no longer an uncommon thing. There are some tips that you should know in making a CTA, which are:

Make the Right Design

A CTA should attract users’ attention to visit a website page. To do that, you can use bright colors that contrast with the color of the page. In doing so, the focus will automatically be directed to the CTA button itself.

Make Sure the CTA is Visible

CTA is an important element in SEO and content marketing. Therefore, the button or link for the call to action should be visible on the website page. To make CTA recognizable, use a font that is large enough to get the attention of the users.

Use Action Phrases

Just like its name, "call to action" asks users to take an action. Therefore, an effective CTA should use action phrases like  ‘find’, ‘explore more’, and ‘sign up now’.

Write in Short

To deliver the message instantly, CTA should be written in short. The button of a call to action usually uses a short phrase. Mostly, the phrases do not consist of more than five to seven words.



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