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Word Count

Last updated: Aug 25, 2023

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What is Word Count?

Word count is a function or command used to count the number of words or characters in a document. The purpose of a counting the word is to help you find out how long a document or content you have produced.


Is Word Count A Ranking Factor?

Although it is not a ranking factor, it is quite important in the implementation of SEO. Writing longer content makes it easier for Google's algorithm to find the information presented on a web page.

Well-written and high-quality content tend to rank better on the internet. Apart from that, it can also increase your website's authority on certain topics. That way, you can get more visits organically.

However, content that is too long is not good either. Make sure to always do keyword research before determining the best word range for your content.


Word Count Tools

There are many tools you can use to check the word and character count in your content. Here are the two word count tools that we recommend:

Google Docs

It provides a feature that you can use to view the number of words in a document. Apart from that, the feature also allows you to view the total page, total characters, and total characters without spaces.

How to check the word count in Google Docs is by pressing the Tools menu > then click the Word Count sub-menu or you can also use the shortkey in the form of Ctrl + Shift + C. After that, Google Docs will display a modal containing the number of words and characters in your document.

cmlabs Word Counter 

cmlabs provides an online tool that you can use for free. Besides displaying the number of words contained in your document, cmlabs Word Counter also provides other data such as the number of characters, the number of sentences, the number of paragraphs, estimated reading time, to keyword density.

To see the results in the cmlabs tool is quite easy, you only need to copy all the words in your document into the text editor space. Without taking a long time, the tool will display the amount of data you need.



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Last updated: Mar 03, 2025
Last updated: Feb 17, 2025
Last updated: Jan 07, 2025
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