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Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

Last updated: Aug 25, 2023

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What is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, which is an open-source programming language that is widely used to develop websites. It is a server-side scripting language used to process data on a server computer before sending it to the client (browser).

Therefore, the use of PHP in a web-based application allows webmasters to hide the source code. For this reason, it makes your programs more secure. In contrast, client-side scripts can be easily viewed and modified by the client.

PHP Functions

In general, PHP functions to help the process of developing a static website become more dynamic. In web-based applications, you can use it to collect user forms because it supports actions to add, modify, and delete data in the database.

In addition, the function of PHP is to help encrypt data on websites, for example, you can set the encryption function on passwords and other sensitive data. It also lets you set user permissions.

PHP Syntax Example

PHP code writing can be done in two ways, natively and using a framework. Native is writing PHP code from scratch to develop a web, used by developers with high coding skills.

While the framework is a website development framework that facilitates the performance of developers. Usually, the framework has been equipped with certain modules so that developers do not need to create programs from scratch. With a framework, developers can work more easily and efficiently.

Keep in mind that the PHP syntax is case sensitive where the use of uppercase and lowercase letters can affect the output of your program. Consider the following example of PHP syntax:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        	$company_name = “cmlabs.co”;
        	echo $company_name;


Writing basic syntax must begin with the <?php tag to open PHP programs. Next, to declare a variable that contains data, you need to write $variable_name, and "cmlabs.co" is the data stored in the $company_name variable.

The echo function in PHP is to display text. When you write echo $company_name, the output displayed is cmlabs.co. If you write echo $Company_Name, the output that appears is an error because it is case sensitive so the variable is considered not defined.

You should also add the ?> tag to end the PHP file. All the code that you write must be saved using a .php file extension.

PHP Eminency

The eminencies of PHP are as follows:

  • Affordable cost - It is free to download and is open-source which makes website development costs more affordable.
  • Easy to learn - You can learn PHP easily because it is supported by complete documentation.
  • Works on multiple platforms - It works well on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.
  • Compatible on all servers -  Apache, IIS, etc.
  • Supports multiple databases - including MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, etc.
  • Supports multiple protocols - It supports communication protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and others.
  • Large community - when you encounter problems using PHP, you can discuss and ask the PHP community for advice. In addition, the many blogs that have discussed it on the internet can help you find a solution.


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