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What is Link Building in SEO? Learn about How to Do It

Last updated: Sep 15, 2022

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What is Link Building in SEO?

Link building in SEO is an activity to acquire hyperlinks from other websites to your website. In SEO terms, links provided by other websites are referred to as inbound links or backlinks.

Knowing what link building is can give you insight to get quality backlinks from various websites. Do note that the number and quality of the backlinks you get will affect the authority of your website.

To know and analyze all the incoming and outgoing links, you can use the Link Analyzer Tool from cmlabs.

The Importance of Link Building in SEO

Why do you need to pay attention to link building? It is because link building can improve the performance of your website. The reasons why link building in SEO are important are as follows:

  • Help search engines find your website. Search engines use backlinks to crawl from one website to another.
  • Bring in quality backlinks. Backlinks obtained from websites with high domain authority can increase the authority of your website.
  • Build topical authority. If you get backlinks from websites with similar topics, your website's topical authority will also be strengthened.

The Benefits of Link Building for Business

Link building is a practice that not only plays a role in improving your website’s performance, but also has benefits that can directly impact your business. Here are some of the benefits of link building for your website:

Building Relations

Link building is a process that can not be separated from the outreach strategy, namely the strategy of getting links by contacting other websites and making offers to them. Although your main goal is to get links, you can also build business relationships for the long term.

Such a benefit can be gained if you can provide attractive offers to other websites in the form of content, infographics, or outbound links to their websites. Thus, a mutually beneficial relationship will be established. 

Sending Referral Traffic

When you get backlinks from websites that have high authority and share the same topic as yours, then it can benefit your business. Why is tha so? The audience that comes from the website is not only large in number, but also relevant to your niche.

Audiences that are relevant to your business will be more likely to become potential customers. Of course they will not instantly become your customers. Such a thing requires planning related to a good marketing funnel.

Establishing Brand Authority

A good link building in SEO can help your business build brand authority. For example, there are several websites that cite your website as the source of their content. The audiences of the websites can check the source and finally find out about your website.

The more often people see your website linked on various websites, the stronger your brand authority will be in their minds.

How to Build Links on Websites

After knowing what link building in SEO is, its importance, and its benefits for business, you also need to know how to build links. A good and natural link building is done by providing quality content that later can be used as a source by other websites.

Therefore, link building starts from determining the target audience, producing content, to offering a credible website backlinks to your website content.

Specify the Target

The first step in the link building process is to determine the audiences who will read your content.The way to define your audience is by creating a buyer persona. Aside from allowing you to create content that is relevant to your readers, buyer personas also help you find websites with similar audiences.

Produce Relevant Content

The main weapon of link building is quality content. With quality content, other websites will voluntarily use your content as a referral source so you can get backlinks naturally.

To be able to create quality content, make sure that it is needed and it can prove to be beneficial for your target audience. Content that you make must also be of high quality, unique, and better than the other content under the same topic. 

Get Links from Trusted Websites

You need to encourage quality content so that backlinks can be obtained faster. Therefore, you need to do outreach or contact other websites to make offers so that they are willing to use your content as a source.

The offers can be in the form of updated information, images, infographics, research data, products and services, or more complete collaboration content. Make sure that both parties can benefit from each other.

Are you interested in learning more about link building in SEO? Read more about it on the link building guide from cmlabs to help improve your website’s performance.



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