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SEO Report Comprehensive Guideline and How To Make It

Last updated: Sep 02, 2022

SEO Report Comprehensive Guideline and How To Make It
Cover image: The illustration of SEO report as the part of SEO implementation to your or your client's website. This activity is essential to be carried out in the most transparent way to measure the progress achieved within the collaboration.

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In the process of implementing SEO, the SEO team will carry out regular monitoring of website’s performance and growth on search engines. Whether they are ain house SEO specialists or an SEO agency, an SEO report is an important thing to produce.

The SEO report helps demonstrate the progress of implementation and explains the next steps that need to be taken. In this guideline, we'll show you how a report should be created, the metrics you need to measure, and tips for a good SEO report.

What is SEO Report?

SEO report is an important report on various SEO metrics that describes website performance and growth on search engines. The right SEO strategy can bring a website to the top position in the SERP. With this report, web owners and SEO experts can track the progress and achievement of implementing SEO strategies.

Besides showing the results of the SEO implementation analysis that has been carried out and its impact on the website, the reports you get when you use the services of an SEO consultant also provide detailed plans that will be carried out in the future to make the site's performance better.

Keep in mind that the creation of SEO reports is not only important for SEO specialists but is also important for clients or business stakeholders who want to know the achievements of their websites.

The Importance of Producing SEO Reports Regularly

Making an SEO report must be carried out after the  SEO audit process to get relevant data. As a result, in the report, you can also identify technical issues, and on and off-page SEO issues. 

In addition, conducting regular reports is also important for business owners, stakeholders, and marketing teams. The report can show the business ROI. No wonder, many say that the SEO report is as important as the implementation of SEO.

SEO Report metrics

The report you get when you use the services of an SEO consultant is a combined report that includes several other SEO metric assessments. The metrics that need to be measured in the SEO report include:

Performance Overview

An overview of a site's performance on search engines typically includes a number of metrics such as core web vitals, user experience, traffic, total clicks, total conversions, and so on. The data shows a summary of how the website is performing on search engines, and whether it has met expectations and achieved business goals or not.


SEO KPIs depend on the client and the type of business. In general, some companies make search visibility and organic traffic conversion as their SEO KPIs. Search visibility can be identified through an assessment of the share of voice (SOV) metric which is an estimate of the visibility and dominance of your brand compared to competitors.

The SOV value for each keyword you are targeting can be calculated by multiplying the click-through rate (CTR) and search volume of that keyword. The result of the calculation is a representation of the estimated traffic for that keyword in a month.

The estimated total traffic across all the keywords on your website represents brand traffic that can be used to calculate organic search SOV. Here is the calculation formula to get SOV from organic search:

Share of Voice = Brand Traffic / Total Market Traffic

Ranking Development

Besides KPI assessments related to search visibility that users are most interested in, you will also see ranking development data in the reports you get when you use the services of an SEO consultant. Ranking development is data that displays the development of a website's ranking over time.

This ranking development is useful to help improve site performance. With this data, you can see which keywords are bringing you the most traffic and which ones you should optimize for. Reported rankings can be organic rankings, paid rankings, and others.

Organic Traffic Growth

Another data needed in the report is the progress of organic traffic. This data makes it easy for clients to see how much traffic they are getting compared to the previous stage. Not only that, but organic traffic can also help you see which pages are generating the most traffic and which ones need to be optimized.

While high traffic doesn't necessarily indicate business growth, high organic traffic can increase the potential for conversions. This is why it's important to include organic traffic growth in your website's SEO report.

SEO Health

SEO health indicates a site has worked well according to SEO technicalities. An SEO health assessment will help you identify any technical issues or errors that may be affecting a website's performance on search engines. The better the performance of the website, the higher the SEO health value.

Other Things

After presenting the above SEO metrics of a website to your clients, the next step is to report a summary of the activities you have carried out in web optimization efforts this month, the plans that will be carried out in the future, the obstacles encountered during the optimization process, to the solutions you offer to your clients.

SEO Report Tool

There are many different tools that can support your SEO reporting process. The conventional way you can do this is to enter an assessment of each SEO metric into a spreadsheet and see how your site is growing over time.

To help you create better and more efficient reports, here is a list of selected SEO report tools that you can use:

Google Analytics

SEO enthusiast must know about this tool. Google Analytics is one of the SEO report tools that can be used in compiling reports. This tool is accessible for free, set the property by entering your site address and the website analysis results will be displayed in your Analytics dashboard.

Some of the data contained in Google Analytics includes reports of information on the amount and source of traffic, providing users' demographics, reports on the number of conversions, to knowing the user retention rate of a website.

The report is displayed in a data visualization that makes it easy for users to read the data and retrieve important information from each existing report. Thus, this tool is widely used by people who are engaged in the world of digital marketing.

Google Search Console

Figure 2: A screenshot of a browser opening a Google Search Console page as an illustration of someone using data from Google Search Console to create a report.

Google Search Console is an SEO report tool that is often used by SEO specialists to get data on website achievements. This tool can be accessed for free and has quite complete data.

The data obtained from Google Search Console is a site performance report containing total clicks, number of impressions, average CTR, average position, and other sub-menus. Apart from that, this tool also provides reports on user experience, core web vitals, mobile usability, and URL inspection results.

Not only that, but this tool also allows you to add a sitemap so that the structure of your website will be more easily recognized by search engines. That way, you will help the indexing process carried out by Google bots.

cmlabs 3.0

cmlabs 3.0 is an SEO report tool developed by the cmlabs team. At a later stage of development, cmlabs 3.0 will be equipped with a Site Audit feature which will allow its users to check website health.

The Site Audit feature includes some useful data in making reports such as information on broken links or URLs, checking sitemaps and robot.txt, evaluating web performance, cmlabs SEO scores, content audit results (keyword frequency, keyword density, readability index). ), as well as other data.

Currently, you can use cmlabs 3.0 to assess the ranking progress of each keyword that you add to the tool. Sign up now and stay tuned for more features to roll out. cmlabs 3.0 is a great tool to enrich the information in your SEO report.

Making SEO Report

Figure 3: Laptop showing several graphs such as pie charts, column graphs, and line graphs as an illustration of the data in the SEO report. Relevant data is needed to strengthen the reports, so that clients, as well as business stakeholders, can know the achievements of their websites.

The purpose of creating a report is to produce a report that can help clients understand how SEO strategies affect the achievement of their website. Here are some tips that SEO specialists can do in making good reports that are easy to understand, namely:

Provide Relevant Data

You need to present relevant data according to the metrics you are involved in making the report. You can get this data through website monitoring or by utilizing SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, cmlabs 3.0, and so on.

Understandable Language

In preparing the report, make sure to use language that is easy to understand. For example, if your report contains some metrics that the audience might not understand, be sure to add explanations to it. So, your clients can easily pick up the gist presented in the report.

Include The Analysis

Make sure you add analysis results based on the data presented. Thus, clients can get important information on the achievements of their website. In addition, SEO specialists can also provide SEO recommendations to clients regarding what must be done to achieve business goals.


Those are some important points you need to know about SEO report. In general, the report contains the assessment results of several SEO metrics that indicate the success or failure of the SEO strategy.

It is important for both SEO specialists and agencies to produce SEO reports that are easy to understand and contain useful information for their readers. That way, the report can be used to determine optimization steps on a website.

To get the complete SEO report managed by professionals, you can use the SEO service by cmlabs. By applying this method, you can solve issues related to your website's performance. Additionally, you can also get to consult with the experts from cmlabs.



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