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FAQ Schema

Last updated: Jun 27, 2023

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What is FAQ Schema?

FAQ schema is a type of schema markup used to provide more detailed and structured information about questions that are frequently asked by users.

Some examples of the use of this schema include user guides, frequently asked questions about products or services, and more.

By implementing this markup schema correctly, users can have a better browsing experience.

In addition, using the schema can increase website visibility and CTR.

This is because the information displayed directly on the search results page gives users relevant information and answers their questions without having to click through to the website.

How FAQ Schema Impacts SEO

FAQ schema has several significant impacts for SEO and websites. Here are some of them:

1. Improving User Experience

This schema markup will display questions and answers directly on the search page.

From there, users can get the information they are looking for without having to visit the website.

This can improve the user experience because users get relevant answers to their questions instantly.

2. Increase the Relevance of Website Pages

The FAQ schema can be used to mark questions and answers that are most relevant to the website page content.

This will help search engines understand content better and recognize the relationship between questions and answers related to a particular topic.

Thus, website pages can become more relevant and have the opportunity to appear at the top of the SERP rankings.

3. Drive Conversions

Users tend to more easily take the desired action when there are no distractions.

The schema markup is a separate web page that you can add more content to without interrupting it.

In fact, this schema markup can also help remove doubts or concerns that often arise at the user's purchase or decision stage with clear and relevant answers on search results pages.

That way, they can be easily influenced to take the desired action.

4. Increase CTR

Implementing the FAQ schema on website pages can have a positive impact on increasing Click-Through Rate (CTR).

Displaying FAQs directly in search results makes your website stand out among other search results.

FAQ snippets will give the impression that your website has authority and insight that is relevant to search queries.

5. Increase Page Visibility

When FAQ snippets are displayed in search results, your website page has more chances of getting more space on the search results page.

Compared to standard search results, FAQ snippets often fill up a larger section.

This will give your page more exposure, making it more visible to users.

How to Make FAQ Schema

The process of creating schema markup involves several important steps. Here's the explanation:

1. Adding Required Properties

Adding schema markup can be done by entering the code in the website header.

This process will break the content into smaller pieces. These pieces are known as properties.

Currently, there are 1400 schema properties available. However, only four properties are required for the FAQ schema, namely:

  1. mainEntity: Contains the main content on the website page
  2. Accepted answer: In the form of a description of the answer to the question
  3. Name: This property takes the form of a fully written list of questions
  4. Text: Contains the complete answer to the question

The properties entered must comply with schema.org standards. This is very important for schema markup functionality.

To check if the schema markup meets the standards or not, test the properties on the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

Once learning which properties you need, the next task is to add them to the content. The following are the three methods that you can choose to do it:

  1. Microdata: This method is a markup language containing HTML tags embedded in content. From a technical point of view, using microdata is a bit more complicated to write.
  2. JSON-LD: Compared to other methods, Google recommends using JSON-LD code. This is because the code is easier to add and remove.
  3. FAQ Generator: This method has various templates for adding properties. Using the FAQ Generator, all you have to do is copy and paste the output into the website's source code.

2. Follow Google Guidelines

Google has created a guide for creating schema FAQs. This guide helps crawler bots properly understand the FAQ content generated.

In this guide, there are several things that must be included in the FAQ content, namely having a list of questions with answers, using one markup, having comprehensive text that is visible to the user, and having all the necessary properties.

Additionally, this guide also explains some of the things that are prohibited in the FAQ content, namely that there is a forum for users to submit responses to questions, intended for advertising as well as content that is explicit, illegal, or hateful.

3. Validating Code

After adding the FAQ schema markup to a website page, the next step is to validate the code.

Testing the validity of the code can be done using the Google Rich Results Test. This tool will check if the markup meets the requirements and does not have syntax errors.

4. Deploy Pages

To do this last step, make sure the markup is properly integrated into the HTML code of the website page.

This condition is very important to ensure search engines correctly recognize and interpret data structures.

However, if there are problems, you must remove the noindex tag, which might block search engines access to website pages, and ensure that there are no pages that are blocked by the robots.txt file.

Once the various constraints have been resolved, you must send a request to Google to crawl it.



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