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LSI Keyword

Last updated: Jun 20, 2022

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LSI keyword stands for latent semantic indexing keyword a collection of words that are semantically related to main keywords and used to complement said primary keywords as well as providing solid contextual information on search engines and its users.

Whenever content writers have just finished writing their articles or posts, and they also have conducted a thorough research of the topics they were writing on, several common keyword phrases can then be found on certain topics. These exact phrases that are connected semantically between each other based on the topics are what we usually call LSI keywords.

For instance, if there is a single topic about cars and “coupling”, “gasoline”, “price” are the words that pop up most often from the conversation, a search engine will pick that up and then tell you that the topic itself is related to transportation vehicles.


The Reasons Why LSI Keywords are Important for SEO


1. LSI Keywords Help Google Algorithm in Determining Content Quality

These keyword variations perform the function of adding information by inputting semantically related phrases into a copy of the SEO page. This way, they serve to reinforce the current information as well as giving better understanding for search engines to interpret the users’ contents.


2. LSI Keywords Weighted Much More than Keyword Density

Keyword density is the number of times certain keywords pop up in a piece of written content and is measured in percentage. The more you add keywords into your content, the better your rank in search results will be. However, always keep in mind not to stuff too many repeating keywords into your content as the result will instead backfire on you, keep it varied. By using varied keywords, you’ll get a higher chance of success as it will be safer for you to add more keywords as needed without fearing the adverse effects.


3. LSI Keywords Empower other Keywords in a Content

During content creation such as writing an article specifically, the importance of keywords and SEO cannot be overstated. A good set of keywords can help increase your web traffic.

Keywords that are varied act as a supplement to the various other keywords used in a single piece of content. By applying these keywords could significantly help strengthen the context and content semantic relationship with its main topic.


How LSI Keywords Will Improve Your SERP Rank

In this day and age, basic understanding of keyword variations is one of the requirements needed to be an expert in SEO and a good content marketer. A piece of content with LSI keywords has the potential to rank higher in SERP. Here are three methods you can use to improve your SERP rank:


1. Google has a Better Understanding of Your Web Pages’ Context

Using LSI keywords to collect relevant information and phrases that closely match with what your users are looking for in a piece of content, this is also to help Google to understand the content better.

The correct usage of keyword variations or LSI keywords helps Google in determining the precise search ranking. By making Google’s job easier, you’ll get the benefits too.


2. LSI Keywords Help You to Understand User Intent Better

By understanding what your users truly want, you will definitely have a higher chance of attracting the relevant people to your site. We recommend every webmaster worth their salt out there to start using LSIGraph if they don’t want to be bogged down with technicalities.

You can use LSIGraph to research any primary keyword as well as other words that might complement that particular keyword. LSIGraph is very useful as it helps you search for any suitable keywords to make your content more relevant to what your users are looking for.


3. Web Pages will Appear on SERP for Keyword Variations

Variation keywords are closely related to main keywords, that means whenever your web pages with the main keywords come up in search results, the other keyword variations will follow suit. The displayed results at the bottom of SERP make your keywords LSI-friendly if you entered them naturally into your contents.


How to Effectively Use LSI Keywords


1. Places Where LSI Keywords can Make an Impact for Your Website

Where you put LSI keywords on your website can significantly impact the amount of traffic and relevant visitors to your content., here are the key places where you have to put the semantic keywords:

  • In Your Website Posts

Content’s titles or headings have to include several principal keywords. Google pays special attention to the headings of your pages during the crawling process. Various related keywords will help you decide how to break your contents into smaller pieces.

  • In Alternative Text, File Names, and Image Titles

The best practice for using alternative text with images is to make it descriptive, but always keep in mind to put only relevant keywords and avoid overstuffing so that you can better optimize your pages.

  • In Anchor Text

Texts that attach themselves to other documents in a web are called Anchor Text. By utilizing anchor text in conjunction with keyword variations or LSI keywords are important for generating higher traffic to your site. But remember to broaden the variation of your anchor text to keep your users relevant.

  • In Page Titles

Use semantic keywords and make another new title when you want to post your recently made content. A good practice that you can definitely use whenever you create new page titles is to use keywords or your target SEO keywords at the start of the page title.


2. How Many LSI Keywords that You Should Use

A user can use various keywords anywhere within a single piece of web content. Always remember though that moderation is also important in which you have to be careful not to stuff too many keywords in one place. A good rule to remember by is to maintain 2-to-1 ratio of LSI keywords to your primary keywords.



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