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Fetch as Google

Last updated: Jul 21, 2023

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What Is Fetch as Google?

Fetch as Google is a tool in Search Console specifically designed to test whether or not Googlebot can fetch URLs on a website and how those URLs are rendered. 

This feature provides users with information about how search engines view their website pages, allowing them to optimize the display and indexing of the pages. 

Using this tool enables users to request Googlebot to Fetch and index website pages. This process is generally similar to the usual indexing performed by Googlebot. 

This feature/tool is something that gives users the option to choose between fetching URLs using the desktop version or the mobile version of Googlebot. 

Once the action is taken, users can view the results, including the HTML code of the page, the Fetch status, and the rendered view. 

In conclusion, it is a tool that can display messages if there are errors or issues on the page. 

The Function of Fetch as Google Tool

After discovering what is Fetch as Google tool, you may, as well, be wondering about the exact functions this tool may offer. 

In addition to helping users understand how Googlebot views website pages during the indexing process, this tool also serves to ensure that website pages are correctly indexed by Google.

Furthermore, there are other functions of this tool, such as:

1. Accelerating Indexing

Users can submit updated URLs or website pages to Google for immediate indexing. 

Using this particular tool can speed up the indexing process and ensure that changes to page content are quickly visible in search results.

2. Viewing Page Rendering

If users desired to see how Googlebot renders website pages and determines how content and elements appear, utilizing Fetch as Google is the right choice. 

It is mainly because this tool allows users to ensure that essential elements on the website, such as text, images, and page structure, are displayed accurately.

3. Ensuring Content is Visible to Google

This tool can be used to ensure that website content can be fetched and examined by Googlebot, thereby increasing the chances of the content appearing in search results. 

This factor is necessary because, in some cases, Googlebot may not automatically access or index all website pages.

4. Identifying Issues

As stated before, Fetch is a tool that can identify technical problems or security warnings that may prevent Googlebot from indexing pages correctly.

With the aid of this tool, users have the ability to access messages and HTTP responses delivered by Googlebot during their visits to website pages. 

This capability also deliberately allows them to detect potential technical issues that might arise, including server errors or robots.txt blocking.

5. Refining Page Rendering

When encountering any problems related to the presentation of website pages, opting for this tool is proven to be the most effective solution. 

By utilizing this tool, users can not only make necessary enhancements but also ensure that the applied changes are accurately implemented. 

This process enables users to rectify issues and closely monitor the progress of page improvements.

6. Monitoring Indexing Status

Users can track the indexing status in Google Search Console after experiencing this tool.

This tool provides information about the status of indexing requests, including the success status of the requests, issues that need to be addressed, and a list of pages that have been successfully indexed.

Once users have utilized this feature, they may accordingly gain the ability to monitor the indexing status within the Google Search Console. 

Accordingly, the feature provides information about the status of indexing requests, including the success status of the requests, issues that need to be addressed, and a list of pages that have been successfully indexed.

How to Use Fetch as Google Tool?

Now that you have grasped the basic idea of this feature, let's delve into the practical steps on how to use Fetch as Google tool effectively.

To initiate the submission of a URL to the feature within the Search Console, you can adhere to the following steps:

  1. Open Google Search Console in your browser and select the website you want to index from the dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the navigation panel, find and click on the "Maintenance" or "Coverage" option. Please note that the position may vary depending on the latest version of Google Search Console.
  3. Inside the "Maintenance" or "Coverage" section, locate and click on "Indexing Tools" or "URL Inspection." This step will open the Google indexing tool.
  4. Within the indexing tool, you'll find a text box where you can input the URL you want to submit to Google. Enter the complete URL you wish to index, including the protocol (http:// or https://) in the provided text box.
  5. After entering the URL, click on the "Check" or "Request indexing" button. Google will initiate the indexing process for the specified URL.
  6. Wait for a few moments until Google completes the process. If the URL is successfully indexed, a success message and details about the indexing status will appear.


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