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Small Business SEO Strategy to Win Search Engine

Last updated: Sep 02, 2022

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For small and medium businesses, competing in the digital world is the biggest challenge when starting a business. Therefore, you as one of them definitely really need mall business SEO strategies to get new customers through the website.

Perhaps, some SME owners are still not aware of the impact of SEO on SMEs so they don't take it as a marketing tool. In this article, we will help you understand the importance of SEO, its benefits, and easy tips for doing it on an SME business website.

What is SEO?

SEO is a website optimization technique that refers to how search engine algorithms work. The various search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, and so on.

In today's online business activities, website optimization needs to be done to achieve the best results. With SEO, the delivery of information can be done effectively to the target user. The focus of this activity remains on the organic search that can benefit business owners.

SEO is the right strategy to promote at an affordable cost. The results of optimization activities can be seen from the increase in the volume of traffic that your website gets over time.

By applying SEO for SME for business marketing activities, you can reach a wider audience. The possibility of new customers coming in is also higher so it can be estimated that product sales can also increase.

The Importance of Small Business SEO Strategy

Figure 1: Illustration of the transaction process between customers and SME business owners. Take advantage of the role of SEO to grow your business and get various benefits from digital marketing.

Before getting to know small business SEO strategies, it's a good idea to know what the importance of SEO practices for small and medium-sized businesses is. In today's more competitive business world, strategies to develop business need to be implemented. At this point, SEO is the solution to increase business growth without spending a lot of money.

Some of the essential functions of implementing SME SEO areas follow

Building Brand Awareness

SEO for SMEs is useful for introducing your business to a new audience. This is generally known as brand awareness. The higher your website page rank in the SERP, the number of clicks or users you get will also increase every time. That way, the brand value will also be more prominent.

Increase Website Rank

The website optimization process needs to be done to give your business a performance boost in the SERPs. In general, a brand can be better known by users if it ranks high enough on the search results page. Therefore, SEO for SMEs plays a role in supporting site performance and ranking organically, without involving paid advertising.

Reaching the Right Targeted Customers

By applying small business SEO strategy, marketing goals can be set according to business needs. To implement it, SEO conducts keyword research by paying attention to search volume. The greater the volume, the higher the potential to increase the number of clicks and bring traffic to the website.

Improving Long-term Strategy

SEO services for MSMEs can help you determine a strategy for business development in the long term. Every month, there is a website performance report that you will receive. From these reports, plans to improve site performance can be made. That way, the business will be able to move to the next stage, not sitting at the same point for a long time.

Small Business SEO Strategies

Figure 2: An overview of business owners who are implementing a small business SEO strategy. Website optimization activities can be done by monitoring website performance regularly and creating content according to SEO needs.

To benefit from promotion through digital media, you can use SEO services. Currently, internet users can access various information quickly. For this reason, the application of small business SEO strategy is suitable for business marketing needs that focus on their marketing targets.

Here are some small business SEO strategies that you can apply to develop your business:

Research and Use Keywords Properly

The first SEO for SMEs is to do research for the keywords that need to be used. For that, think about what terms consumers might enter in the search engine search fields when looking for products.

Make a list of 20 to 50 keywords that have the potential to bring consumers to your website. Keep in mind that it is important to use keywords that are relevant to the product.

Content optimization can be done if you already know which keywords to use on each page. The trick is to use keywords in the URL of each page. Also, make sure to include keywords in the content title and content meta description.

Strategically Plan Content

In the small business SEO strategy, content production must be done carefully so that website optimization can be carried out optimally. As a first step, small and medium-sized businesses can start publishing content on the website on a regular basis.

In addition to content, you also need to pay attention to accessibility and user experience to smoothen the customer journey in making transactions. To improve website performance, add email and social media links to achieve higher sales and engagement targets.

Focus on Business Uniqueness

The next small business SEO strategy is to show the uniqueness of your business to differentiate you from competitors in the same field. That way, the audience’s attention can be obtained easily because the characteristics of your business stand out from the rest.

To highlight the uniqueness of your business, you can use keywords that show your business identity and characteristics that other businesses don't have. Be sure to pay attention to competitors in the marketing locations you are targeting.

Serve a User-Friendly Website

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and has a clean appearance. Also, use the right site structure. That way, users can clearly see the identity of the business and what products are offered.

In content writing, use headings to improve the quality of the article. Also, pay attention to the use of keywords in each heading to help optimize the page and place it in the top rankings in the SERP.

Strengthen Social Signal

Today, the role of social media is huge in developing the potential of your business. Therefore, SEO for SME that needs to be implemented is to strengthen social signals. In this case, you can use the share button on social media on every page of the website.

In addition to website content, you can also use social media to bring traffic to your page. Make sure to include a page link and monitor the number of likes, shares, and views for each post that has been made. That way, you can strategize to create content according to SEO needs.

Make Use of Customer Reviews

To build relationships with customers and strengthen your business in search engines, you can take advantage of customer reviews or user-generated content. The reason is, that reviews from customers can increase customer interaction on social media and increase the number of clicks on content on the website.

In this case, website optimization is done by making their stories or experiences heard. This makes customers part of product marketing activities and can increase customer loyalty in the long term.

Optimize Google Business Profile

Figure 3: Display of a list of business profiles on a Google search results page. To optimize your business through digital marketing, complete your profile and manage your Google Business Profile according to your business niche.

The thing that should not be forgotten in applying a small business SEO strategy is optimizing the use of the Google Business Profile. With this Google product, your business can automatically connect to Google Search and Maps.

You can start creating a business profile first. Then, fill in the data completely and manage the profile according to the business niche. Personalize it by adding details of active business hours, photos, links to related content from the website, and so on.

Monitor Website Performance

Monitor website performance regularly. Whether it's on the content or technical side, the SEO process always requires management that can increase business visibility in the SERPs.

Monitoring website performance can provide insights regarding business developments from the digital marketing side. With the data obtained, you can find out which parts of the website need to be improved and optimized to improve overall website performance.

Conduct Website SEO Audit

In addition to monitoring website performance, it is also necessary to conduct a website SEO audit. Of course, this is intended to prevent a decrease in page rank in the SERP. To do this, you can use Google Search Console or Page Speed ​​Test from cmlabs.

That is the discussion about small business SEO strategy. Website optimization can be done professionally by paying attention to site elements that need to be improved.

The use of SEO content writing services from cmlabs can make it easier for you to achieve marketing targets based on this search engine search algorithm. The guaranteed quality of writing can be seen from the research process for keywords carried out by experts in their fields.



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