cmlabs Website Analyzer: New Feature to Check Your Website Performance

Written by cmlabs, Jun 16 2023

cmlabs Website Analyzer: New Feature to Check Your Website Performance
cmlabs Web Analyzer results on homepage website

Website Analyzer is useful to see the health of your website for free and unlimited. This feature can be accessed on the cmlabs website main page.

To find out how your website is performing, simply copy your website URL into the search bar shown.

The Web Analyzer feature can provide data regarding scores for Performance, Accessibility, Best Practice, SEO, and PWA in very complete detail. The score that comes out will be a percentage with an indicator score ranging from 0-49 (red) which means low, 50-89 (yellow) which means medium, and 90-100 (green) which means a high score.

The results of this Web Analyzer can be seen immediately on the cmlabs main page as soon as you enter the URL and click "Website Analysis". If you need the results of this analysis to be sent through email, you can enter a valid email address up to a maximum of 5 emails at once and we will send it immediately. Not only that, we have also prepared a quick URL copy feature, and you can download the results of this analysis in PDF format.

The data we present is real-time data taken directly from your website.

Data from the Web Analyzer can help you strategize to further improve the health of your website.

To get insight and comprehensive website optimization work, you can start collaborating with cmlabs.

Figure 1 → cmlabs Web Analyzer first impressions


Figure 2 → cmlabs Web Analyzer results

Last edited 2023-10-18 14:12:19



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