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What is cPanel? Learn Its Features and How to Use It

Last updated: Aug 07, 2024

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What is cPanel?

Control Panel or cPanel is a web-based application provided by hosting providers to assist website owners in managing website files and servers.

The application provides a simple interface that allows you to manage files, databases, email accounts, hosting, domains, FTP accounts, and many other things. You can also use the application to make backups for website files or restore them if something happens to the website.

Control Panel is a very popular type of application and is usually provided by hosting providers in one hosting package. It is designed for casual users so that the appearance of this application is friendly for beginners. 

What Does cPanel Do?

To give you a better understanding of what the Control Panel application is, you need to know what it is used for and how it can help you manage your website. Here are the things Control Panel does:

1. Controlling Hosting Account

The Control Panel application simplifies web hosting and server management through an easy-to-understand application. Without it, the management of hosting and website servers can only be done with technical skills.

2. Allows You to Create an FTP Account

An FTP account is used to upload or download content directly to the hosting website. It is necessary for the purposes of backing up website files and uploading websites directly to hosting.

3. Help Observing Traffic Through the Stat Account

The application also provides an account statistics feature that allows you to monitor website performance such as the amount of visitor traffic.

cPanel Features

To be able to master the use of the Control Panel application, you need to learn about its various features. Some of the features you should know are as follows:

1. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the capacity of the internet network used to send and receive data per second. Control Panel provides features that can help you monitor website bandwidth usage.

2. Disk Usage

Disk usage is a very important feature to check the available capacity of each file on the website. You can also find out which files are using the most capacity and causing slow website loading.

3. File Manager

A file manager is a feature that you can use to manage files on a website such as creating, deleting, editing or uploading files without having to use third-party applications.

4. Site Publisher

Site publisher is a feature that works to manage the templates of a website. With this feature, users can create and edit the appearance of their website quickly and easily.

How to Log In to cPanel

After learning what the Control Panel application is, its uses, and the features it has, then you are ready to use it. Here are the steps to log in to the application:

  1. Make sure that you have purchased a hosting plan that provides access to the Control Panel application.
  2. If you have purchased a hosting package, the hosting provider will provide you with a link to log in, along with your account username and password.
  3. Another way to access it is to type in your website address and add ':2083' or '/cpanel' to the end of the URL. (example: example.com/2083 or example.com/cpanel)
  4. Open the link and you will be directed to the log-in dashboard.
  5. Enter the username and password that was previously provided to log-in to the panel.


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