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Last updated: Mar 27, 2021

The eventualities are an inevitability that drives every business player to prepare scenarios and adapt. Watch the Anti-Trivial podcast featuring Mas Rochman, Bro Jimmy, and Pak Agus; a combination of a business practitioner, investor, and company leader, discussing how to enhance the foresight of business leaders in welcoming 2025. Don’t miss this special year-end edition of cmlabs Class, Episode 24 with title "New vs Conventional Search Engine. Prepare for the Eventualities!"

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YMYL is a website page that offers either products or services to its users that also impact their health, happiness, financial condition, and safety. YMYL stands for Your Money Your Life.

YMYL website is held to the highest standards, therefore, it has to be beneficial for its users in a way that the contents within it ought to have some kind of positive impacts on their users’ lives. Several websites that are categorized as YMYL are websites that dabble in e-commerce, financial services, healthcare.

Topics within YMYL Websites

As mentioned earlier, several pages or topics within these kinds of sites have to be impactful for their users but in a more positive way. The contents of these sites have the potential to directly affect someone’s happiness, health, financial situation, or even their own safety. Below are some of the topics or contents that fall under YMYL category:

Latest Events or News

These types of contents encompass an array of important information related to current events of an international nature, business, political, scientific, technological and more. Other types of news such as Sports, Entertainment, and Lifestyle are not categorized as YMYL.

Government, Law, and Civics-related Topics

Topics like these contain a lot of crucial information for the people of a certain nationality or country. Topics such as elections, governmental bodies, social services or programs, law-related issues, etc.


This particular topic can be considered as one of the more important ones as it could have a direct impact on someone’s livelihood. Some of the topics that fall under this category are financial advice such as asset investments, taxes, retirement planning, loans, banking, or insurance. Websites that allow its users to make any kinds of online monetary transactions or transfers definitely belong in this category.


With the advance of technology, more and more people are interested in growing their business through the power of the internet. Nowadays, some of you are no doubt already familiar and aware of the term “E-commerce”. This topic contains information related to the act of buying or selling goods and services over the internet, and this is especially true for any websites that allow its users to make purchases online.

Health and Safety

Similar to the previous topic of Finance, both of these topics are also important as any websites that contain information related to them could directly impact people’s lives, and if presented incorrectly could have some kind of unforeseen consequences. Advices and information related to health, drugs, hospitals, emergency preparations and actions, dangerous or harmful activities, and so on, all of them belong in these topics.

Information about Groups of People

This topic is pretty straightforward as the name implies, it contains any information related to people or a group of people such as their ethnic, race, religion, nationality, gender, etc.


The last YMYL topic is all about big decisions or memorable experiences in someone’s life, such as when they choose which college to enroll, looking for a job, browsing about potential houses to buy, etc.

The Relation Between E-A-T and YMYL on a Website

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. When a website is known to have some kind of beneficial purposes, its E-A-T level will be tested on whether or not their contents are deemed as YMYL worthy. Three rules that govern over YMYL contents on a websites are:


Expertise refers to the main creator or author of a content on a website page, about whether they are qualified or not to create the contents on that particular site. Someone with high enough experience and knowledge in a certain subject or topic can be considered as an expert of some kind.


As the name implies, Authoritativeness refers to the fact that the website content creators have full control and authority over their own creations.


Trustworthiness refers to the content creators and their website on whether their users can trust them on giving and presenting information.

The Reason E-A-T is Crucial for SEO

In order to obtain high-quality contents from Google, the main important thing for you is you need to create contents that have the potential to positively impact your clients, users, and readers. In conclusion, the following things are must-have for your contents to be considered high-quality:

  • High E-A-T level
  • The amount of contents with high-quality rating on them from start to finish (content title included)
  • Clear and concise information regarding who owns a website and its associates
  • Positive website reputation and good customer service


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Last updated: Mar 03, 2025
Last updated: Feb 17, 2025
Last updated: Jan 07, 2025
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