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Domain Authority

Last updated: Sep 30, 2022

Domain Authority
Cover image: Illustration of Domain Authority which is a reference for search engines to rank a website. Learn the brief information in this article.

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Domain Authority (DA) is a reference for a search engine in providing a ranking on a website or blog.

Google Assessment Aspects on Domain Authority

1. Domain Age

 The longer and more active the activities in a domain, the better and higher the Domain Authority points. Therefore, a Domain Authority is considered to show users’ consistency in managing and using the domain.

A search engine such as Google will assess the website or domain deserves high points and influence its rank on the search result page.  

2. Domain Popularity

The domain popularity is also important. The popularity of a website can be seen and known from the number of entered links. It is also known as Inbound Link, which means giving recommendations to our link (inbound link).

When we comment on a site or another blog (blogwalking), it is also included in Inbound Link. Those things can increase website visitors' numbers, as the more amounts and stronger domains that we have on SERP (Search Engine Result Page) or the search result keywords on a search engine.

3. Domain Size

The domain size that is meant here is that rated by the number of content that we are posted on the website. The more often and content that is published, the higher our domain points are. This is why the bloggers and website owners are expected to post content every day.

However, posting the content frequently and actively is not enough. The search engine will assess the quality of the content that has been made. Therefore, the activeness in posting content and the quality of content determines whether the website is good or not. 

The Differences Between Domain Authority and Page Authority

DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) are used as the measure of website quality to get ranking from the search engine.

Domain Authority is assessing a website or blog thoroughly, while Page Authority is a partial measurement, not the whole website or blog.

In order to optimize the SEO performance, both Domain Authority and Page Authority are needed since both are working together to increase the website quality.

How to Increase Domain Authority

Create Quality Content

Good and quality content is increasing our Domain Authority. Before making content, it recommends doing research to sort and choose quality content that will be posted on a website. With quality content, it will attract many visitors to visit our website.

Promote The Content Made Through Social Media

The use of social media that we have is an easy way to promote our website. By promoting the content that is made more often, the more visitors that will visit and know our website. It will also increase our Domain Authority on a search engine.

Management Links on Website

Link management is very important. The management that is done is that includes other link websites in an article that we have made. However, it shouldn’t be exaggerated in inserting the links since it can decrease the website rank.


The other thing that we can do is branding. By doing branding, it will make people know and visit our website. Besides, it increases the Domain Authority; it will also improve the Page Authority quality. Then, it will boost the website traffic gradually.

Build Relations

Building and maintaining relations with a company is very important. By having many relations, it will also be easier for us to promote our sites. Moreover, if we have a broad relation, we can share ideas or knowledge. Even, we can collaborate to build and optimize our website. It is expected that with many websites that refer to your website, the faster it will increase your Domain Authority.

Doing On-Page SEO

Here are several ways to increase On-Page SEO:

  1. Make a simple URL
  2. Link keyword to the URL
  3. Use LSI Keyword
  4. Make long content
  5. Use Heading Tags
  6. Optimize Title Tag to Click Through
  7. Use External Link
  8. Use Internal Link
  9. Maximize the website loading speed
  10. Use multimedia content


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