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Article Spinning

Last updated: Feb 08, 2023

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What is Article Spinning?

Article spinning, or content spinning, is the practice of rewriting other people's content to make it look like one's own original work.

The way it works is by replacing words, phrases, or even sentences so that users and Google's crawlers detect that the content is original content from your website.

The main goal is to produce a large amount of content in a short time without being detected as plagiarism.

You need to know that the practice of writing content like this is a black-hat SEO tactic. Therefore, it is against the policies implemented by Google. In fact, many websites provide article spinner tools to make content creation easier.

However, the articles produced from this practice are generally of lower quality in comparison to the rewriting carried out manually by a writer who intends to make readable content for users.

Is Article Spinning Good for SEO?

So, is this article spinning practice good for SEO? The answer is no. As previously stated, this practice is considered one of the black hat SEO techniques.

That is why Google's very complex algorithm can detect this type of tactic easily. This practice will risk the integrity of your website and therefore is not recommended as an SEO strategy.

Even though the content produced by content spinner tools is mostly readable, users can still find something they are not comfortable reading.

If an article feels difficult to read, people are less likely to read it all the way through. Google will consider the article as thin content that is not of high quality, and will penalize it for this.

What Can You Do Apart from Practicing Article Spinning?

After knowing how risky this practice is from SEO perspectives, now is the time for you to know what else you can do to produce high-quality content in a short time. Check out the explanation below.

1. Republish Your Content

Republishing existing content is one effective way to maintain the quality of your content production. The criteria for articles that are eligible for republishing are 12-month-old articles with poor performance.

Republishing content here means rewriting the article from scratch or updating more than 50% of the content to get new, fresher discussions. In this way, you also have the opportunity to improve the performance of old content that previously did not perform well.

2. Recycle Your Content

You can reuse existing content, partially or completely. With this, you will recycle your content into new-format content that is more attractive to users.

For example, you can use multiple blog posts to create social media content. Apart from that, you can also create data visualizations such as infographics for content related to statistical data and other quantitative material.

3. Topics with Different Angles

If you have a topic that is popular enough, you can approach it from a different angle than existing content on the web. This will help you produce content with a unique touch as well as a new perspective on it.

Most importantly, your content will not be detected as an act of plagiarism because you are able to develop a topic from various points of view and tend to discuss it in more detail than other content.



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