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Guide on How to Get Sitelink on Google and Its Benefits

Last updated: Dec 27, 2022

Guide on How to Get Sitelink on Google and Its Benefits
Cover image: An illustration of a sitelink, which is a collection of links from a single domain. Complete information can be found in this guide.

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Visibility on the SERP is the main thing that must be considered in SEO activities. To achieve the best results in website optimization, use the method on how to get sitelink on Google.

Basically, sitelinks are generated automatically by Google. However, you can direct Google to select selected sitelinks for your website in the right way. Here's an in-depth look at sitelinks and how to get them on Google.

What is Sitelink?

Figure 1: Screenshot of the sitelink display in Google search results. Sitelinks can increase your website's visibility level compared to other websites on the SERP.

A sitelink is a collection of links or sub-pages from the same domain and collected in one group on the search results page. Sitelinks contain the pages most frequently visited by visitors. Usually, you will find a sitelink when you enter keywords related to a brand or website name.

The purpose of sitelinks is to make it easier for users to find the pages they need on a website. With sitelinks, the time it takes for users to search for information or pages on a website will be much faster.

Google determines sitelinks based on the link structure on the website. Your website structure will be analyzed by Google to find which pages are relevant and worthy to be displayed as sitelinks.

Please note that Google will only show links to pages that they think are useful to users. If Google finds it difficult to analyze the structure of the website or if there are no sitelinks relevant to the search query, the sitelinks will not be displayed.

So that your website can display sitelinks on search results pages (SERPs), you can learn the guide on how to create sitelinks on Google in this article.

The Benefits of Sitelink

As a webmaster, surely you want your website's appearance in search results to attract users and encourage them to visit the website. The use of sitelinks can be one of the best practices for increasing website visibility.

In addition, there are still many benefits and uses for sitelinks. Before learning how to create sitelinks on Google, consider the following list of the positive aspects of sitelinks below:

Increasing Numbers of CTR

CTR (click-through rate) is the ratio of the number of clicks a website gets to impressions. Impressions are the number of people who view a website on the SERP. In conclusion, CTR measures how likely someone is to click on a website in the SERP. Do note that users tend to click on articles that are in the top three.

You can use sitelinks to make your page display on the SERP wider and different than other website pages. Hence, the audience will be more interested in visiting your website, and the CTR number will be higher.

Allowing Users to Visit Internal Pages Easily

Google uses sitelinks to show the most popular and relevant pages to a user's search query. The goal is to make it easier for users to access existing pages on the website.

Sitelinks can also act as an attraction, especially if your website has a lot of content. This way, users will know the most popular content that they can view on your website.

Sign of Trust from Google

Not many websites can display sitelinks on the SERP. Only certain websites with high rankings and high quality content can display them. When a website has a sitelink, you can be sure that it has earned Google's trust.

If your website doesn't have a sitelink yet, then read this article to find out how to get sitelink on Google.

Providing a Platform for Product Promotion

Sitelink not only displays pages that contain the most popular content on the website, but it can also display featured product pages and job vacancy pages.

You can take advantage of the use of sitelinks to promote products. Searchers who see the sitelink of your website page on Google can find out about your product and directly visit the pages related to the product promotion.

Increasing Brand Awareness

Sitelinks can also be a medium for brand awareness. The use of sitelinks will increase the space of your website page on the SERP. Of course, a wide space will attract the attention of the audience, thereby increasing the visibility of the website.

The higher the visibility and number of website impressions, the more familiar the audience will be with your website and brand.

How to Get Sitelink on Google

After knowing the meaning and benefits of sitelinks, you should know how to get sitelink on Google. The problem is, not all websites can display sitelinks.

You have to optimize your website so that Google can judge whether your website deserves a sitelink or not. To perform a good optimization, you can follow the following guide on how to get sitelink on Google:

Use Easily Read XML Sitemap

Figure 2: Screenshot of the XML sitemap of a website. Using an easy-to-understand XML sitemap is one way to create sitelinks on Google.

An XML sitemap is a file containing links to any page on a website. This file is created by the website owner and used by search engines like Google to understand what pages are on a website.

Google uses a web crawler to perform a search on every link on the sitemap, then indexes them into their database. If the website does not have an XML sitemap or complete links, then the web crawlers will find it difficult to understand the contents of the website.

If the website is experiencing problems related to crawling and indexing, it will be difficult for you to be able to display sitelinks on the search results page.

Link Important Pages to Homepage

In the crawling process, the main page is considered the most important content on a website, as well as all the links embedded on it.

Google will consider pages that are directly linked to the homepage as important pages. These important pages will be displayed by Google in sitelinks.

Therefore, make sure that the pages you include on the homepage play a role in increasing traffic or conversions so that Google will display them on sitelinks.

Add Internal Links on Website Pages

One way Google understands the structure of a website is through internal links. Google will crawl every link on the website to find new or updated pages.

Internal links are also used as indicators to measure how important a web page is. If a page gets a lot of internal links from other pages, then it means it is an important one.

If you want to display a page on sitelinks, then take advantage of the use of internal links. Provide a number of internal links that point to the page to be displayed as the sitelink.

The hope is that the page will be considered valuable so that it can appear on the sitelink. Here are some of the tips that you can apply to maximize internal links:

  • Use anchor text on internal links. Make sure that the anchor text is relevant to the discussion on the embedded page.
  • Avoid including links in images. Web crawlers can only understand text.
  • Pages that have a lot of internal links will be more likely to appear on sitelinks.

Produce SEO-friendly Content

As mentioned earlier, Google will only display sitelinks from trusted websites. This means that the website must have high quality content and high domain authority to be able to get more space in the SERP.

One of the important tips on how to get sitelink on Google is to apply various SEO strategies to improve the quality of the website. You can start by creating SEO-friendly content. To do that, you can follow this SEO-friendly article guide below:

Perform On-page SEO

Another SEO strategy that you can apply as a way to get sitelink on Google is to do on-page SEO optimization. Applying on-page optimization can help users or search engines better understand the website.

Some examples of on-page optimization that you can do are:

  • Maximize the use of meta titles and meta descriptions.
  • Define keywords and arrange their placement well.
  • Structure content with heading tags.
  • Create optimized URLs.
  • Include internal links and outbound links.
  • Optimize the use of images.

Best Practices to Get Sitelink on Google

You have already made various efforts to learn how to get sitelink on Google. Although it only displays results that can be determined by Google, you can't just wait for the results without performing optimization on your own.

To complete this guide on how to get sitelink on Google, you can follow best practices that will increase the chances of it appearing on search pages.

The following are best practices to get sitelinks that you can apply:

  1. Make sure that the titles and headings on the pages you want to appear on the sitelinks have informative, relevant, and concise text.
  2. The structure of the website should be easy to navigate either by the user or by the search engines.
  3. Make sure that the page you want to appear on the sitelink is already linked to other relevant pages and performing well.
  4. Avoid repeated text in your content.

Thus, the guidelines for how to get sitelink to appear on Google. You now understand the meaning of sitelinks, the benefits, and the method to make sitelinks appear on Google search result pages properly, along with its best practices.

To help implement the proper optimization strategy, cmlabs offers SEO services to website managers. With our services, you will get help implementing various SEO methods, such as using sitelinks.



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