cmlabs News, a news channel about Search Engines and SEO.

Written by cmlabs, 23 May 2023

What is cmlabs News

In early May 2023, we joyfully launched cmlabs News (The Pulse of the Search Industry), our latest news channel. In this channel, we provide up-to-date news about Search Engines and SEO from around the world.

cmlabs News will be a part of cmlabs Resources, which also includes cmlabs Blog, cmlabs Event (available only in Bahasa Indonesia), cmlabs SEO Guidelines, cmlabs SEO Terms, and cmlabs Ebook (available only in Bahasa Indonesia).

What sets cmlabs News apart from other channels in Resources is that only writers with a minimum of 3 years of experience outside the cmlabs team and 2 years within the cmlabs team can contribute. Therefore, the "join as a contributor" service does not apply to cmlabs News.

Join As Contributor

If you are genuinely interested in becoming a writer for cmlabs News, please email us at [email protected].

The specifications include:

  1. Minimum of 3 years of experience as an SEO Specialist.
  2. For SEO Writers specifically, at least 4 years of work experience.
  3. Attach samples of previously written articles (URL) focused solely on Search Engines and SEO to the email.
  4. Also, include a sample article, created specifically for this proposal, with the topic of “Generative AI and Search Engines in the next 5 years from today” (May 23, 2023).

Check Out cmlabs News Preview

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Article Detail (Desktop Version)

Page component roll out phase 1

  1. News Title
  2. Cover
  3. News Subtitle / Overview
  4. Writer
  5. Date Published
  6. Share Button
  7. Table of Content
  8. Content
  9. Reference / News Source
  10. Comment Panel
  11. Related News

Image 1 → Article Details


Comment Section (Desktop Version)

It's easy, just log in with your Google account, you can already use the comments feature on cmlabs News.

Image 2 → Comment Panel


Today, we have published at least 5 articles. Don't miss out on the news in cmlabs News. Thank you!

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