cmlabs New Changes and Addition in Media Buying: PR/Branding

Written by cmlabs, Mar 21 2023

cmlabs strives to give the most optimal results for our clients. Aside from SEO services, we also offer services called Media Buying to increase exposure and brand mentions.

Our Media Buying has been altered a little recently. We have added a new option to the service called PR/Branding.

Along with it, we would also like to announce that our backlink options are divided into two categories: Backlinks to Online Publisher and Backlink to Blogger.

With our Backlink services, clients can get quality backlinks to online portals from local to national scales. We assure you that each blog and media portal we choose has undergone a rigorous check.

On the other hand, clients can get brand mentions from leading media through our PR/Branding services. We make sure that each media portal we choose is relevant to a client’s business niche.

Overall, our Media Buying services offer quality and relevant mentions from renowned media with a wide reach locally and nationally.

While it’s important to optimize a website through off-page efforts, it’s important to pay attention to the on-page side as well.

Hence, we urge our clients to also go with our SEO Services, which include website optimization and a content plan.

Our Media Buying and SEO Services will certainly work hand in hand to give the most optimal results. To find out more about our Media Buying services, visit this link.

Last edited 2023-03-21 11:49:53

Firda Amalia Mahmud


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