cmlabs New Feature, Your Account, Offers You Convenience

Written by cmlabs, Jul 12 2022

cmlabs announce the production release of Your Account on the cmlabs website, it is the new feature that enables users to create an account to access cmlabs full features more comfortably in its finest way. 

At its heart, this feature was created to help users engage more in the product and services. cmlabs often provide updates on the product, service, or valuable posts on the resources page for its beloved users. However, the user might not notice the update at a glance, so, cmlabs want you to enjoy the sign-in features to access some of these benefits:

  • Your List: the space where you can find the list of product or services you desired from the cmlabs website before deciding to get one.
  • Advanced Search: it enables you to personalize cmlabs services based on your needs. With the personalized package, you can maximize the SEO service you get based on the objective and the budget you set.
  • Newsletter: you can subscribe to our worthy newsletter on SEO and digital marketing topic. Subscribing and unsubscribing will be easier with the Your Account feature. 

To make sure that a good user experience is achieved on the cmlabs website, this feature will make your ordering process more efficient. However, the cmlabs marketing team will always be there if you need assistance or even discussion regarding your order. 

cmlabs hope that they can continue the good work in serving customer needs. All of the teams are working hand in hand to improve the features for now and for future updates. So, now we are happy that this feature is finally produced, it is your chance to enjoy the benefits on the cmlabs website whether it is the product, services, or the posts.

Last edited 2022-08-04 08:44:00

Tati Khumairoh


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