cmlabs Services Stats: New Feature to Check Client Performance Growth

Written by cmlabs, Jun 14 2023

cmlabs Services Stats: New Feature to Check Client Performance Growth
cmlabs Services Stats (from 2019 to Present)

To see the progress of the achievements in cooperation, cmlabs presents a real-time summary of the client's performance during the agreed period.

cmlabs services stats is a summary of our client's performance. This summary is based on four segments: Total Clicks, Total Impressions, Avg. Keyword Rank, and Content Produced.

Here, you can find the achievements of clients who have used our services since 2019 until now.

We present real-time data from February 1, 2022, for Total Clicks, Total Impressions, and Avg Keyword Rank, especially for Content Produced data in 2019.

These data will be updated bi-weekly.
Figure 1 → cmlabs Services Stats (from 2019 to Present)

From this feature, you can see the client's performance growth from here. Based on the data that can be seen, our clients can improve their performance well.

To improve the performance of your website even better, you can start collaborating with cmlabs.

Last edited 2024-12-16 16:19:34



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