cmlabs’ Navigation Bar: A Fresh New Look!

Written by cmlabs, Jan 11 2024

cmlabs has unveiled a revamped navigation bar, shedding its former look for a fresh and simple one. This change not only enhances the user experience but also represents cmlabs' commitment to innovation and cutting-edge solutions.

What’s New in Our UI Revamp:

Simple and Fresh Design: The new design of the cmlabs navigation bar makes it easier for users to find the services or other needs they need on the website. The simpler look also provides a more comfortable experience for users.

Figure 1. Our Newly Revamped Navigation Bar.

Revamped Navigation Bar : Revamp the navigation bar with the aim of facilitating user access to the website and providing a better user journey. Additionally, integrate web analyzer tools to assist users in analyzing the website more effectively.

Figure 2. SEOlutions Navigation Bar

Our Service : In the navigation bar under "Our Services," there are various services offered by CMLabs in a comprehensive manner, including definitions, types, and price lists. This is to facilitate users in determining their needs more easily.

Figure 3. SEO References Navigation Bar

Our Blog: The navigation bar on the cmlabs Blog tab has also been changed. This tab is used to direct users to the cmlabs blog or news page.

Figure 4. SEO Tools Navigation Bar

Our SEO Tools: The SEO Tools tab has undergone a quite significant redesign. In addition, there are several new SEO tools that are ready to use.

Figure 5. Partnership Navigation Bar

Our Partnership Program: The Partnership Tab was also changed. This makes the Tab look more organized and neat.

Figure 6. Industries Navigation Bar

Our Content for each Industries: The Industries tab is a new addition to the navigation bar. It contains content that is relevant to specific industries.

Last edited 2024-08-07 17:08:13



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