CMLABS Launches Website Product in Niche Museum

Written by cmlabs, Mar 09 2020

Culture is one of the most interesting subjects to be explored and documented. As in Indonesia, keywords containing “budaya” have increased traffic within 5 years. 

Aside from culture, Indonesia has an awesome history worth to be told. Not only it has tremendous historical events, Indonesia also has numerous historical characters, sites, and relics, from classical (Majapahit, Srivijaya, Demak, etc) to colonialism and post-colonialism era.

In regard to that, cmlabs launches a new website called Museum Nusantara ( Museum Nusantara contents revolve around the culture, relics, history, and heritage of Indonesia. In 5 years, cmlabs is aiming Museum Nusantara to be one of the most comprehensive culture and history databases in Indonesia.

As for the writing style, Museum Nusantara contents will strictly follow the standard from Google EAT (expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness) and SEO rules.

To ensure the validity of the contents, every content written in this website will undergo attentive production process, from the content research, reference, production, proofreading, until reviewing. With the combination of in-depth and intelligible contents, cmlabs hope Museum Nusantara can help anyone who is interested in history and culture to learn about Indonesia.

Aside from history and culture related contents, Museum Nusantara also provides information about favorite historical sites in Indonesia, such as museums, candi, and other cultural relics.

Last edited 2021-12-24 16:57:39



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