cmlabs Event: Collaboration in Education

Written by cmlabs, Sep 01 2022

As one of the companies that provides SEO services in Indonesia, our goal is to build public awareness of SEO.

We want people to know that SEO is an effective marketing strategy for building a business.

To make this happen, cmlabs organizes events that allow us to collaborate with other companies.

Surely, this collaboration was carried out to educate the public about what SEO is.

Basically, cmlabs Event is a form of collaboration that is realized through an education-based activity.

Some examples of activities that are part of the cmlabs event include: cmlabs classes; cmlabs x JagoanHosting; cmlabs x SEQUENCE STATS: webinars, mini bootcamps, and SEO Talks with Indigo Space.

In this activity, we will present material that contains the meaning of SEO, its benefits, and how it works.

Through cmlabs Event, we hope this can become an educational forum for Indonesian people, especially for workers or career switchers in the digital marketing field.

We are happy to open opportunities for collaboration with institutions, companies, and e-learning platforms to create an Indonesia that is aware of SEO and digital marketing through other educational and interactive activities.

For more information about our services, visit this page. Don't forget to register for SEQUENCE STATS as well.

Last edited 2023-03-21 11:52:50

Firda Amalia Mahmud


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