cmlabs New Service - Backlink to Indonesia Online Publishers

Written by cmlabs, Feb 18 2022

cmlabs just launched a new service on the off-page SEO named Backlink to Indonesia Online Publishers. This service is part of our mission to help brands get better online visibility through SEO implementation. 

Previously, we have had services such as SEO services and SEO content writing which are included in on-page SEO. Today, we have also provided Backlink to Indonesia online publishers as off-page SEO. It can be the next level of SEO implementation to be noticed by a wider mass.

This service is different from our Content Marketing service. Backlink to Indonesia Online Publisher will provide brand mention plus backlink to your site by reputable media, while Content Marketing will only assure that your brand is well mentioned by reputable media. 

The human desire for information will never get away. In this fast-moving world, everybody goes digital for an obvious reason, accessibility. It is a good chance to put your brand on the media that continuously feed their reader with information. 

At a certain level, brands need to spread backlinks to many relevant bloggers, online publishers,  and UGC websites to manipulate search engine algorithms or to make backlink activity as organic as possible. However, we need to have a good plan tailored to this complex activity before the execution by combining our on and off-page SEO service.

It is needed to note that cmlabs did not guarantee that the backlink placement will directly impact the page ranking on any search results since it needs further optimization. For detailed information about our new service, please follow this link:

Last edited 2022-02-22 09:34:04

Tati Khumairoh


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