cmlabs Color

The colors we use complement each other. It represents our ideas, goals, and hopes to inspire and help others to thrive in the SEO field-related. The main color used by cmlabs is blue that represents trust and reliability. This color blends perfectly with black and white that are a neutral color. It creates more dynamic and balanced visual elements that can be implemented on any media. These colors are associated with a manageable range of distinctive secondary and other variants of color. Each color has its purpose when implemented on certain elements, but they all represent our identity as a growing brand.
Main Color
cmBlue - #1F95F5
R: 31; G: 149; B: 245
H: 207; S: 87; B: 96
cmDark - #252A38
R: 37; G: 42; B: 56
H: 224; S: 34; B: 22
cmWhite- #FFFFFF
R: 255 ; G: 255 ; B: 255
H: 0; S: 0; B: 100
Secondary Color
cmlabs Orange - #FFBE40
R: 250 ; G: 157 ; B: 25
H: 35° ; S: 90% ; B: 98%





