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Last updated: May 10, 2022

The eventualities are an inevitability that drives every business player to prepare scenarios and adapt. Watch the Anti-Trivial podcast featuring Mas Rochman, Bro Jimmy, and Pak Agus; a combination of a business practitioner, investor, and company leader, discussing how to enhance the foresight of business leaders in welcoming 2025. Don’t miss this special year-end edition of cmlabs Class, Episode 24 with title "New vs Conventional Search Engine. Prepare for the Eventualities!"

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What is Nofollow?

No follow is a tag on HTML markup language aimed at preventing or a sign to not allow Google to count the link attached to the anchor text. The nofollow tag is a part of backlinks. Nofollow tag can always be activated by adding a tag on your page’s edit source code.

Function of Nofollow

The Function of Nofollow is to prevent Google from influencing the ranking on Page Rank. In addition, it also functions as a prevention from getting a “penalty” from Google because you have already attached a conditioned or low-quality link.

Nofollow also functions as spam prevention which affects your site’s rank.

Example of Nofollow Dofollow

There are two types of em>backlink, nofollow and dofollow. Both can be clicked and led to the target site.

Example of nofollow backlink code:

<a href="http://cmlabs.co/kamus-seo" rel="nofollow">Kamus SEO</a> 


Example of dofollow backlink code:

<a href="http://cmlabs.co/kamus-seo">Kamus SEO</a>


Advantages of Nofollow

Some of the advantages that nofollow links have are as follow:

Increase Website Traffic

Although it doesn't have a big impact on rankings, no-follow links can bring traffic to your website. People who are interested in the link will be happy to click on it and visit your site.

Web Ranking Tend to be Stable

Setting no follow makes the linked website will not be crawled by search engine bots so that ranking will only be affected by organic visits. This makes the web ranking tends to be stable.

Avoid Spam and Google Penalties

Websites with nofollow links will avoid spam if they link low-quality links. The lack of spam and junk comments on the website will make it safe from Google's penalty. The intensity of visitors obtained also tends to be more stable and does not cause any indication of violations.

Disadvantages of Nofollow

Besides offering several advantages, nofollow links also have disadvantages, namely:

Not suitable for a new blog

No follow backlinks are not suitable for new blogs, because new blogs need to raise brand awareness. To make the blog more easily recognizable, it would be better to use a do-follow type of link.

Performance is not as good as Dofollow

Do follow links can help increase the Domain Authority and Page Authority of a website. If you get nofollow backlinks, then the resulting performance will not be as good as do-follow. However, no-follow results tend to be purer and can increase click-through rates and website traffic.

Slow Increasing of Web Ranking

No follow does not allow search engines to crawl and index the linked web page. It shows that no-follow does not have a big effect on increasing web page rankings. However, the website will experience an increase in organic traffic when someone clicks on the no-follow the link.



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Last updated: Mar 03, 2025
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