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Last updated: Sep 23, 2023

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Hosting is a place used as a media to store all of the data related to a website to be accessed and managed by the internet. The data or website file that is stored are photo, video, script, application, plugin, and so on. It is based on the website content.

The role of hosting on a website is very important. Without hosting, the website's file can not be displayed; thus, the website will be unable to be visited and accessed by the user.

There are hosting providers recently with many service options that can be chosen and customized with the website needs.

Types of Hosting


1. Shared Hosting

It is a regular hosting service that can be used by several websites or clients on a server. Shared is one kind of service that is commonly found and often equated with a rented house.

Shared Hosting has many advantages. For instance, the price is more affordable, shared hosting is equipped with panel control, so the website management is more manageable, and the hosting provider has handled the server maintenance.

However, this service works by sharing hosting on several client websites, so each hosting's performance is slower, and the privacy rate is less guaranteed.

No need to worry, the user of Shared Hosting can overcome the problems related to website performance with CloudFare help.


2.Dedicated Hosting

A service uses a specified hosting server for one website. This service is the opposite of Shared Hosting. Dedicated hosting is usually known as a private house and it is highly recommended for the website, which has high traffic, such as e-commerce, to make the performance always stable.

The advantages of using this service are the storage is very large since only a client uses it, full access so that the use of this hosting is free and can be arranged with the website needs, high performance, the rate of website data privacy is more secure, and the hosting provider has managed the virtual server setting.


3. VPS Hosting

VPS Hosting is a hosting server that is similar to the shared type, but the difference is that the VPS Hosting user can arrange the website configuration. The resource setting can be adjusted with the website's needs.

This service is not suitable if used by a beginner because the user needs an understanding of how the VPS works to maximize the resource setting.

The advantages that are gained by using VPS Hosting are free to install and uninstall the software, downtime is reduced so that the server is more stable, use Cpanel so the web management is easier, provide specific Public IP, and the data migration is easier to be done.

While the disadvantages of this service are not suitable for beginners, the price is relatively high, the server should be monitored often; if the hardware fails, then all VPS on the server will be affected, and the software patch must be updated frequently.


4. Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a hosting service that stores the data website on several virtual servers. This service uses a cloud computation technique with a server network that spreads in several places.

Since the data stores in several servers, if one of the servers is down or has a problem, the website will run with the help of other servers.

Cloud Hosting is one of the hosting services that has an affordable price with excellent quality, so it is more chosen. Cloud hosting provides service with many advantages; for instance, unlimited storage capacity, the maximum website performance, the low risk of losing data, the data access process is flexible, the website's risk of being down is low, and the price is very affordable.

This service's disadvantage is that it needs accuracy in the data storage since it must be adjusted with the cloud server. While using Cloud Hosting, data security is less secure because the data is collected on cloud providers or storage centers can be accessed freely by the public.



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Last updated: Mar 03, 2025
Last updated: Feb 17, 2025
Last updated: Jan 07, 2025
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