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Last updated: Aug 25, 2023

Cover image: Illustration of e-commerce as a transactional activity carried out on an online selling platform. Find out the brief information in this article.

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What is E-Commerce?

Electronic commerce or e-commerce is all transactional activities carried out through electronic media or online. These activities include marketing to purchasing products or services.


Types of E-Commerce

Trading activities always involve sellers and buyers. It then it is divided into 7 different types. The types of e-commerce are as follows:

Business-to-Business (B2B)

This is the type that shows buying and selling activities between companies with one another. Buyers usually buy products in large quantities. For example, selling office equipment to a company or selling web hosting services to a web agency.

Business-to-Customers (B2C)

Business-to-Customers is a type of transaction activity between companies that sell products to consumers. Buyers usually buy products or services individually or at retail. For example, when you make a purchase from an online store.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

Customer-to-Customer is an online buying and selling activity between two individuals. For example, an online store that allows users to sell used goods to other users.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

C2B is the opposite of B2C. The transaction process is carried out by the consumer to the company. Consumers act as service providers who offer products or services to companies in need.

An example of C2B is iStock, an online photo provider site, usually, the contributors are individuals who own design, photos, and videos for businesses in need. Another example Fiverr is a freelance worker site that offers expertise to businesses that need their services.

Online-to-Offline (O2O)

O2O uses two commercial channels, namely online and offline. The online system is used for ordering, while the transaction is done offline. An example of O2O is an ojek service that can be ordered online, then the drivers will come to the users.

Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

This type is similar to C2B, but the perpetrators of these transactions are individuals and government agencies. In Indonesia, C2A usually offers services. For example, the BPJS health service website can be accessed online by individuals.

Business-to-Public Administration (B2PA)

These transaction activities are similar to B2B. The difference is that the actors who buy and sell are businesses and government agencies. Examples of B2PA are websites that serve online NPWP registration for business drivers and BPJS employment websites that can be used by the HRM team of a company.


SEO Benefits for E-Commerce

SEO for e-commerce is one of the strategies that web owners use to rank higher in the SERP. You can implement SEO by optimizing product pages. In addition, you can also do link building with other websites that are relevant to your business.

The benefits of SEO for your commercial are as follows:

  • Increase your site's visibility in search engine search result (SERP) - with SEO, your website will be at the top of the rankings so more people will see your site.
  • Bring in more organic traffic - the higher the ranking, the more organic traffic your e-commerce website will get.
  • Increase conversion opportunities - if your e-commerce website gets a lot of quality traffic, the chances of purchase will increase as well.


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