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What Is Entity-Based SEO? A Brief Guide

Last updated: Aug 07, 2024

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What Is Entity-Based SEO?

Entity-based SEO or entity SEO is an advanced search engine optimization approach that emphasizes entities rather than relying solely on keywords.

But what exactly is an entity? According to Google, an entity is anything singular, unique, distinct, and distinguishable.

Entities encompass more than just concrete objects or specific words; they include people, places, ideas, brands, objects, companies, domains, events, currencies, and more.

Entity SEO focuses on optimizing the meaning behind these entities, allowing Google to identify context in search queries. This method enables entities to be discovered through a variety of searches, not just specific queries.


How Does Entity-Based SEO Work?

Google algorithm has become sophisticated over time to understand contexts and meanings between words. So, when someone's searching for “Snowy Dog” on SERP, it an determine whether you mean Tintin's dog or a dog in a snowy day.

 Entity-based SEO or entity SEO determines this by analyzing context and meaning within each corresponding words or sentences.

For instance,  when users search for “Tesla”, Google's results can vary depending on the context .  Depending on the surrounding words, Google can determine whether it means Nikola Tesla, Tesla car, the Tesla company, or Isaac Tesla the American footballer.


Difference Between Entity-Based SEO and Keyword-Based SEO

Understanding the definition of entity-based SEO is necessary, but it's also important to distinguish it from traditional keyword-based SEO methods.

Keyword-based SEO optimizes specific keywords that users might use to search for something. In contrast, entity-based SEO optimizes the context of those keywords, the search intent, and the relationships between entities.

Entity SEO is essential because search engines have evolved to understand the intent and contextual meaning behind queries. 

Keywords alone can have ambiguous contexts. For instance, searching "Apple" on Google could refer to the fruit or the famous brand.

Additionally, keywords are often too language-specific, making it challenging for search engines to distinguish similar words with different meanings across languages. Entity SEO helps search engines comprehend the context of a topic or query more accurately.

Does this mean keyword SEO tactics are no longer relevant? No. Keywords remain a vital element of SEO strategy. However, their role shifts from being the main focal point to acting as contextual markers that connect entities and content, helping Google’s algorithm capture the intent behind the content.


Google Services that Use Entity-Based SEO

Google employs entity SEO to interpret and categorize web pages, establish relationships between entities and web pages, and provide better search results. Here are some Google services that can improve entity SEO:


1.  The Knowledge Graph

This service helps users find information faster and easier. The Knowledge Graph contains real-world entities, such as people and places, and is constantly updated by Wikipedia.


2.  Google Discover

Google Discover results are based on user's interests, such as entities that contain information about web pages they have recently or frequently visited.

Therefore, an article will appear in a user's Google Discover if it has a particular context of interest.


3.  Google Search

Google uses entities to personalize search results based on a user's interests and search history. Through several developments, Google can now formulate user queries and content.


4.  Google Trends

You can use Google Trends by entering keywords or search terms and entities or topics.


Benefits of Entity-Based SEO

Implementing this SEO approach can provide several benefits, including:


1. Enhance Rich Snippets

With entity search, rich snippets can thrive because this Google feature provides useful information to users, improving search results and user experience.


2. Improve the Quality of Search Results

Using an SEO entity can help you provide relevant content to users for better search results. You can use mobile search and voice search to make it easier to implement this kind of SEO. 


3. Increase Translation Quality

Entity SEO is the practice of adjusting context so that words that are similar in different languages but have different meanings are understood by search engines.

In addition, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms can also be developed through this practice.


How to Implement Entity SEO

In implementing entity SEO, several strategies can be applied, including:


1.  Prioritize Branding

The first way is to focus on branding. This allows you to manage your reputation and create a clear and unique identity. This allows users to easily recognize your brand.


2.  Identify the Entity

You need to identify and explicitly mention the relevant entities in the content you produce.


3.  Build Relevant Links

Google services such as the Knowledge Graph rely on contextual links between different entities. Having a relevant linking structure on your site and in the content you create can help strengthen contextual relationships and brand identity.


4.  Create Relevant Content

The next step is to ensure that the content is related to the relevant entity and can provide clear context. Deepen discussions, provide historical information, and use data to define the main entity.

Additionally, focus on creating topics that are broader and deeper to help you associate with the entities you want to rank for. 


5.  Improve Technical SEO

In addition to creating content, you also need to develop technical SEO. By working on technical SEO alongside content, you can create a better foundation to support SEO in the future.

Then the technical SEO you need to build is schema markup, which can help search engines understand the entity and its relationship to your content. 


6.  Build Authority

You also need to build authority around certain entities by creating comprehensive, authoritative content around those topics so users can trust your site.



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