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URL Parameters: Definition, Functions, and How to Manage It!

Last updated: Oct 04, 2024

What Are URL Parameters?

URL parameters, also known as query strings, are elements contained in URLs that are used to help users filter, organize content, or perform searches on websites.

These parameters are located in the section after the question mark (?), which includes keys and values and are separated by an equal sign (=), or some of them are separated by an ampersand sign (&).


URL Parameter Function

URL parameters serve to perform various commands that help manage and organize information on the website more specifically.

With these URLs, you can track traffic sources, filter and sort information, and apply functions such as search and pagination to improve user experience.

In addition, these parameters also allow customization of content display based on user preferences, such as language or specific categories. 

These URLs not only make it easier to navigate and access specific information but also help users in the data analysis process.


Types of URL Parameters

To improve the functionality and maintainability of a website, there are several types of URL parameters that have different functions, including:


1. Tracking

These parameters are used to track user activity on the website and can be applied to measure the effectiveness of advertising or marketing.


2. Sorting

This type of URL parameter is used to select and organize content based on certain criteria, such as price, date, or popularity. Therefore, sorting is often implemented in e-commerce to assist users in finding the products they are looking for.


3. Searching

Furthermore, searching, this parameter is commonly used to filter search results based on keywords or phrases used by users.


4. Identifying

This parameter is used to search and recognize certain elements on a web page, such as detailed product information or specific articles.


5. Paginating 

Moving on to pagination, this parameter is used to navigate between pages of long content such as product listings.


6. Translating 

Translating is a parameter that displays content in different languages according to user preferences.


7. Filtering 

Last but not least, filtering is used to sort content based on certain criteria such as price range, category, or location. This parameter can narrow your search results so users can find what they're looking for faster. 


Frequent SEO Problems Due to URL Parameters

Parameterized URLs have many benefits, but if not managed properly, they can cause trouble for SEO, here are the problems:


1. Duplicate Content

The problem that often occurs due to URL query strings is that there are different duplicate versions of the same page. This makes it difficult for search engines to determine which pages should be indexed or displayed in search results.


2. Over-budget Crawl

Search engines have a limit on the number of pages they can crawl in a single session. The URL parameter causes search engines to spend a lot of time and resources crawling multiple versions of the same page. 

If ignored, this can reduce the efficiency of the crawl, limit the indexing of other important pages on the site, and increase the crawl budget.


3. Keyword Cannibalization

URL parameters will trigger multiple versions of the same page and keyword cannibalization. 

This means that different versions of the same page are competing for the same keywords. If this happens, then the chances of getting ranked 1 in the search results will decrease.


4. Poor URL Readability

In addition, long and complex URLs that contain many parameters will make them difficult for users to read and understand. This may reduce the number of clicks and shares as well as decrease the user experience.


5. Lowering the First Page Rank of Search Engines

Last but not least, poorly managed parameters can break up the value of a link between different versions of a page. 

This can reduce the SEO effectiveness of the main page, as it should have the entire link value, which will harm search results.


How to Manage URL Parameters

To prevent SEO problems due to the use of parameter URLs, it is important to manage them properly and effectively. Here are some tips to manage parameter URLs you can apply:


1. Use Consistent Internal links 

First, make sure to implement a consistent internal link structure throughout your website. By doing this, you can avoid duplicate versions of the same page caused by query strings. 

Consistent internal links will help search engines understand your site structure better and point directly to the main version of the page. This minimizes the risk of duplicate content and wasted crawl budget.


2. Use Canonical Tags 

Additionally, you can use canonical tags on pages with URL parameters to signal to search engines which pages should be considered the original version. 

These tags can help address duplicate content issues by alerting search engines. In addition, canonical tags can also help establish which main pages should be prioritized in indexes and rankings.


3. Block Crawlers with Robot.txt

Last but not least, you can use the robots.txt file to block search engine crawlers' access to URLs that contain certain parameters. 

This will prevent search engines from crawling and indexing unnecessary or duplicate pages.

By implementing this step, you can reduce your crawl budget and ensure that only relevant and valuable pages are indexed by search engines.



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