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What Is a Thesaurus? Definition, Benefits, and Examples

Last updated: Jul 01, 2024

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Have you ever wondered what is a thesaurus? In terms of its history, the thesaurus is a word derived from the Greek "thēsauros," which means 'treasure'. 

The thesaurus contains a group of words that are related and have similarities in terms of meaning. Normally, thesaurus dictionaries are widely used by writers when they don't know or forget a word that suits their ideas. 

Find out more about what is a thesaurus, its benefits, and how it differs from an encyclopedia dictionary in the explanation below.


What Is a Thesaurus?

A thesaurus is a synonym dictionary that helps users to find various words with the same meaning. 

Unlike a typical dictionary that presents the definition or meaning of a word, a thesaurus is a reference tool that categorizes words based on similarities in meaning.

With a thesaurus, users can find synonyms (words with the same meaning) or antonyms (words with opposite meanings). 

One of the main reasons users use a thesaurus is to enrich their vocabulary, avoid repeating the same word, and make their writing more interesting and dynamic. 


The Difference Between Encyclopedia and Thesaurus Dictionaries

Now, you already know about what is a thesaurus. However, you might be still confused about the difference between encyclopedia and thesaurus dictionaries, here are the differences between the two of them that you need to know.


1. Function and Purpose

Encyclopedia dictionaries are designed to provide a comprehensive explanation of a topic or concept. 

Typically, encyclopedia dictionaries not only define words, but also provide context, history, and additional information that aids in thorough understanding.

A thesaurus, on the other hand, is a dictionary that works to help users expand their vocabulary and find the most appropriate word for a particular context. However, thesauruses generally do not provide definitions or in-depth information about the word.


2. Word Structure

Generally, encyclopedia dictionaries are organized alphabetically or by theme. Each entry is usually long and structured with subheadings, images, and references.

On the other hand, thesauruses are organized into lists of related words and are often organized in a simple format that makes it easy to find synonyms and antonyms.


3. Usage Examples

The difference between encyclopedia and thesaurus dictionaries can also be seen from the usage examples. 

When someone wants to understand more about topics such as "Industrial Revolution" or "Photosynthesis," they will refer to an encyclopedia dictionary.

Whereas when writers are looking for synonyms for the word "beautiful" or antonyms for the word "ugly," they will use a thesaurus.


Benefits of a Thesaurus Dictionary

Here are some of the benefits of a thesaurus dictionary that you need to know.


1. Expanding Vocabulary for Writers

A thesaurus dictionary is a dictionary that helps writers find synonyms and antonyms of frequently used words while enriching vocabulary and adding variety to writing. 


2. Avoid Repetitive Words

By reviewing word synonyms in a thesaurus, writers can avoid repeating the same word consecutively in the text. 


3. Improve Writing Quality

A thesaurus is a dictionary that allows its users to choose a wide variety of words and adapt them to the context. The use of diverse vocabulary can ultimately also add to the overall appeal and quality of the writing.


4. Overcoming Writer's Block

When a writer has difficulty finding the right words or gets stuck, a thesaurus can provide inspiration by offering various other word choices.


5. Strengthening Arguments

In argumentative or persuasive writing, choosing the right and varied words with the help of a thesaurus can strengthen arguments and make writing more convincing. 


Thesaurus Examples

Here are two examples of thesauruses that you can use to maximize the quality of your writing. 


1. Indonesian Thesaurus

: An example of the Indonesian Thematic Thesaurus dictionary by the Language Development Center.
Figure 1: An example of the Indonesian Thematic Thesaurus dictionary by the Language Development Center.

If you want to improve the quality of your writing, expand your vocabulary, or find the right word to convey an idea, this thesaurus can be a very useful tool. 

An example of a thesaurus dictionary search is as follows: 

Example of using a thesaurus dictionary to find the equivalent of the word "wearing".
Figure 2: Example of using a thesaurus dictionary to find the equivalent of the word "wearing".


2. English Thesaurus

If you want to look up equivalents or antonyms of words in English, then you can use some of the top thesaurus dictionary options, such as: 

  • Thesaurus by Merriam-Webster.
  • Cambridge Thesaurus.
  • Collins Thesaurus, and many more. 



That was a complete discussion about what is a thesaurus, its benefits, examples, and differences from an encyclopedia dictionary. 

Thesaurus dictionaries can be used to maximize the quality of writing for various needs such as for school assignments, writing scientific papers, or even writing articles for business


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