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Dynamic Website

Last updated: Oct 14, 2022

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What is a Dynamic Website?

A dynamic website is a type of website that displays content dynamically and differently for each user. The content displayed to each user will be adjusted based on several factors, namely demographics, location, language settings, time of the day, and so on.

The ability of dynamic websites to adapt their content to users makes them more interactive. Hence, it can improve the website’s user experience. Users can interact directly with the website by doing activities such as adding, editing, or deleting content on the website.

This is why dynamic websites are the most widely used type of website. In this case, at least a website has some dynamic pages or elements.

Dynamic Website vs Static Website

In addition to dynamic websites, there is another type of site called a static website. Static websites display the same content to every user who visits the website. The content on this type of website will only change if the web developer modifies it.

On the other hand, a dynamic website is a type of website that presents different content to each user. This kind of adaptability is what distinguishes dynamic from static websites.

To help explain it better, here are the differences between dynamic and static websites you should know:

  1. Content: Static websites rarely update their content because the process is complicated. While dynamic websites allow users to change the content at any time.
  2. Design: Dynamic websites have many animated features that make the display more interactive, while static websites tend to be simple.
  3. Size: The complexity of the programming system on a dynamic website makes the size of this type of website larger than a static website whose programming system is not complicated.
  4. Interaction: Static website visitors can only access and view content. Unlike the case with dynamic websites that allow visitors to make changes to the content. 
  5. Database: The use of databases on dynamic websites is essential for storing and processing user data. A static website does not need a large database because there is no data that needs to be stored or processed.
  6. Programming language: Static websites use simple programming languages like HTML and CSS. The programming languages used for dynamic websites are HTMLCSSJavascriptPHP, and ASP.
  7. Usage: Static websites are usually applied to blogs or simple landing pages. While the use of dynamic websites is more diverse, such as social media, online stores, and so on. 

Benefits of Dynamic Websites

Dynamic and static websites have their respective benefits. You can choose the type of website based on your needs. If you are interested in using a dynamic website, then you must know the advantages you can get, which are:

Better User Experience

The ability of dynamic websites is to change the appearance and content of the content based on the needs of the audience so that the user experience becomes more enjoyable. Users will experience personalized features such as product recommendations based on their interests or promotional offers based on their location and demographics.

Interactive Display

Although you can still create a professional and attractive appearance on a static website, the features or elements that you can use are very limited.

In fact, user expectations for a website are getting higher due to the many modern websites that implement interactive features. This is why dynamic websites are more popular and loved by users.

Easy Maintenance

Dynamic websites use a CMS, or content management system, that provides a database for content or various elements on the website. This type of website also uses a programming language that can interact with information in the database.

With these two things, dynamic websites can simplify the process of changing their pages as a whole without having to adjust each element one by one. For example, you can change the background, upload content, and even change the appearance of the website without having coding skills.



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