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Last updated: Nov 30, 2022

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What is FAQ?

A website FAQ is a page that contains a list of questions and answers to help website visitors. Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs, contain trivial information about business activities and products or services offered to consumers.

The FAQ page is an aspect that is often found on large websites. Usually there is a list of frequently asked questions by consumers, along with answers to help convey information effectively.

With an FAQ page, topics related to questions can be collected in an orderly manner so that it is easier for visitors to get the answers they are looking for. FAQs can direct visitors to the intended page so that they can complete their journey on the website, such as completing a transaction or checking out an item.

Website FAQ Functionality

A website FAQ is capable of increasing organic traffic because it is often visited by visitors who want to get information quickly. Some of the FAQ functions are:

Help Answer User Questions

The FAQ page is an important element on the website and is usually the main goal for users when they want to find answers. By providing short answers, you can encourage users to complete transactions. This can generate profits for the business and give a good impression in the eyes of the user.

Improve SEO Performance

Having an FAQ page can help a website get a good rating in the eyes of search engines. Generally, the FAQ is a page that is equipped with the main keywords and business niche. Therefore, SEO performance will automatically increase because of it.

Building Website Credibility

To attract lots of new consumers, of course your website needs to look credible in the eyes of users. One way to build audience trust in this regard is to provide a FAQ page.

Having an FAQ indicates that you understand the needs of consumers and try to provide answers to their questions. This can increase the credibility of your website and increase the trust of new visitors who want to learn more about the products or services you offer.

Establish Good Relations with Consumers

FAQs are a tool that can answer consumer needs in a short time. Website visitors do not need to ask questions that have been asked before. They simply open the page and search for the answers or information sought.

Having this FAQ can help you build good relationships with consumers. It can be said that the FAQ page is a service that prioritizes customer needs. As a result, brands are thought to care about their audience and prioritize their satisfaction with website services.

Are FAQs Necessary?

After getting to know what an FAQ is, you need to know how necessary the availability of this page on a website is. Actually, the FAQ page is only required as a means to collect questions that are frequently asked by the audience.

If there are no frequently asked questions for website managers, then an FAQ is unnecessary. Usually this happens when the website is just getting started and the amount of content is still relatively small.

When the brand has matured sufficiently and website traffic increases, an FAQ page will be required. Thus, you need to present more information. In addition to content, a website FAQ needs to be created to accommodate answers to questions that new audiences may have.

How to Create a Website FAQ

To create an FAQ page, you need to perform the following steps:

Collecting Questions

The first step that needs to be taken in making an FAQ is to collect questions about the website. But keep in mind that the questions included on the page must be relevant to the audience's search intent.

In other words, questions must be in accordance with what the user is looking for and not on the company's initiative. For that, you can conduct a survey to collect what questions are most frequently asked by your audience regarding your brand and website.

Forming Answers Correctly

After getting a list of questions that match the intent of website visitors, you need to arrange the answers appropriately. Make sure the answers are brief and to the point. The most important thing is to help the user understand the information provided.

Keep Updating Question List

As the website grows, the FAQ page also needs to be updated to meet the information needs of new audiences. Therefore, you need to do data-driven analysis for additional questions that need to be included in the FAQ.

Use Images If Necessary

If the information in the form of text is not helpful enough, then you can add an image. That way, website visitors will easily understand the information more clearly. For example, include screenshots of several website sections related to questions or topics of discussion to provide directions to website visitors.



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Last updated: Mar 03, 2025
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