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Effective Ways to Get Google Index Your Article Faster

Last updated: Aug 22, 2022

Effective Ways to Get Google Index Your Article Faster
Cover image: the illustration of Google index. Your article or pages should be in Google index to be displayed in the SERP. This guideline contains effective way to get google to index your website.

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Have you ever published an article it didn't appear on the Google search result? It can happen because the article is not or is not yet indexed by Google. This case is very detrimental because that article could potentially get a lot of traffic.

Therefore, make sure your article is indexed by Google. In this guide, we will show you the causes and some ways to get articles indexed by Google.

What is Google Index?

Basically, the Google index is a database containing information from web pages that Google has found. If your website is not listed in the Google index, it will not appear in Google search results.

Google will first crawl all content spread across the internet. Then, the content information will be stored in the Google index for processing and observing its relevance to the user's search query. From here, Google will then display relevant search results.

By implementing the right SEO strategy, it will be easier for your website to be indexed by Google. Because only websites containing high-quality and relevant content to user searches will be added to the Google index.

How Google Index Works

Before discussing how Google index works, we will let you recall how search engines work. In displaying search results, Google will go through the following process:

  • Crawling: a process where Google's web crawler will search all content on the internet, both new content and updated content.
  • Indexing: in this process, all content found in the crawling process will be stored in a database called Google index to appear in search results.
  • Ranking: the process by which Google determines the ranking of websites to be displayed in search results. Google will sort websites from the most relevant page to the least relevant.

In short, the way Google indexes includes processing and analyzing content on a website. The information that will be stored in the Google index includes not only the URL address of the website but also all content on the website such as textual content, HTML tags and attributes, also multimedia content.

During the indexing process, Google will assess whether a web page is a duplicate of another page or not. Google will also identify the language, country of origin, the usability of the page, and more. Next, the information will be stored in the Google index so that the website can appear in search results.

However, not all pages that have been processed will be stored in the Google index. Therefore, you need to know the factors that cause articles missing on the Google index. That way, you can fix and get your articles indexed by Google.

Factors That Cause Articles Not Indexed by Google

The indexing process depends on the content and metadata contained on a website. Usually, the problems that cause articles not to be indexed by Google are low-quality page content, the use of meta tags that prohibit indexing, and web architecture that makes the indexing process hard to take.

For more details, we have summarized the discussion about the factors that cause articles not to be indexed by Google below:

Neglecting On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is an optimization practice with the aim of improving the quality of content. By implementing on-page SEO best practices, you can make it easier for readers and search engines to understand the content presented on your website.

On the other hand, if your website does not implement on-page SEO, then this can hinder Google from crawling and indexing it. Therefore, one way to get Google to index your article is to apply on-page SEO best practices.


Google strongly opposes the practice of plagiarism and the production of low-quality content. If the content you publish is indicated as plagiarism, it is possible that Google will not index the page. Therefore, try to always produce high-quality content so that the website has good performance on search engines.

Using No-Index Tags

One of the factors that cause Google to not index your website could be the use of the no-index tag. To prevent this case, you need to re-check the settings on your website. If you find a no-index tag on a page that you shouldn't, remove it immediately so that your article appears in search results.

Unqualified backlinks are backlinks obtained from websites with low authority or backlinks obtained from spam practices. This type of backlink makes it difficult for Google to index your website because the backlink does not provide any benefit for website users.

How To Get Google Index Your Article

Making Google indexed articles is not an easy thing. But, you don't have to worry. In this guide, we'll show you several ways to get Google to index your article quickly. Follow each step below:

Optimize Your Google Search Console

The easiest way to get Google indexed articles is to optimize the use of Google Search Console. With this tool, you can add a sitemap, make indexing requests via the URL Inspection menu, and monitor errors that may occur in the website crawling and indexing process.

However, keep in mind that the Google index is not an instant process. Especially for a newly created website, of course, it takes time for the website to be indexed successfully. Therefore, you can also use this tool to identify which web pages have not been indexed by Google.

Figure 2: An image of a person opening a laptop screen and loading the Google Search Console dashboard view. The image illustrates the activity of optimizing the use of Google Search Console so that articles are indexed by Google faster.

Add Sitemap

sitemap is useful for helping Google understand the structure of your site because it usually lists all the URLs of a web page. With a sitemap, Google can understand which pages are important to index and which are not.

Google should be able to find web pages even if you don't list them in your sitemap. However, adding a sitemap is an effective way to get Google to index your article.

If the website that you manage does not have a sitemap, you can try to make a sitemap more practical and simple using the Sitemap Generator tool from cmlabs.

Create Robots.txt

Besides adding a sitemap, another way to get Google indexed articles is to create a robots.txt. This file is useful for telling Google which web pages you can and cannot visit.

Through this file, you can give orders to Googlebot not to index certain pages. For example, when you have duplicate content and you want to exclude that page from being indexed by Google.

Now you no longer need to manually create a robots.txt file because there are tools that allow you to automatically create files such as Robots.txt Generator from cmlabs. With this tool, you can generate a robots.txt file with just a few clicks.

Fix Crawl Blocks on Robot.txt

The reason Google doesn't index your website could be because of the crawl block settings in the robot.txt file. You might write a command telling Googlebot that they are not allowed to crawl your web page.

Therefore, the way to get articles indexed by Google is to repair the robot.txt file. Check your website's robot.txt file, then locate one of the following code snippets:

//first code

User-agent: Googlebot

Disallow: /

//second code

User-agent: *

Disallow: /


The above code snippet does not give Googlebot permission to crawl a page on your web. To fix this problem, simply remove the code if needed.

Check the No-index Tag

Once again we remind you, that Google will not index the page if you disallow it. This can happen when you use a no-index tag in your meta tag. Therefore, one way to get articles indexed by Google is to remove the no-index tag from pages that really need to be indexed.

Internal links with the nofollow tag prevent Googlebot from crawling the intended page. As a result, Google will not crawl the page so implementing internal links will not affect page ranking.

Therefore, you need to fix internal links that use the nofollow tag. One way to get Google to index your articles is to remove the nofollow tag from internal links in your articles.

Make Sure The Article Is Unique and Does Not Contain Plagiarism

The other way to get Google to index your articles is to consistently produce high-quality content. High-quality content is content that is useful for users, written by an expert, and certainly not a copycat from other content.

High-quality and frequently updated content will make Googlebot crawl your website more often. This is because the content presented on your website is content that is relevant to what users are currently looking for.

How to Check Whether The Article Is Indexed By Google

To appear in search results and reach the target audience, you need to ensure that the articles produced are indexed by Google.

There are two ways you can do to find out whether your article has been indexed by Google or not. You can check it through the search results page or through Google Search Console, read the following explanation.

Check Through Search Results Page

To see if the article has been indexed by Google, you can check it through a Google search. The method is quite easy, first, open your web browser, then type the search query "site:[domain]". 

For example, by typing the search query “site:cmlabs.co/en-id/seo-guidelines”.

If the article that you produce has been indexed by Google, then the display of Google search results will look like this:

Figure 3: Search results showing that the article you are looking for has been indexed by Google. This is indicated by the appearance of several articles from the cmlabs.co website in Google search results.

However, if the articles on your website have not been indexed, then you will not find any results in the Google SERP. Take a look at how the search results look for the following query “site:cmlabs.co/en-id/seo-report”:

Figure 4: Search results for articles that are not indexed on the cmlabs.co website. The SERP displays a message that the user's search does not match any document on the website.

Google Search Console

In addition, you can also use Google Search Console to check if an article is indexed. The first step you need to do is log in to Google Search Console, then select the URL inspection menu.

Next, enter the URL of the article you want to track in the search field. In conducting an inspection, you must ensure that the URL you enter is indeed part of your website.

After that, Google Search Console will display information stating whether the website has been indexed or not. If the website has not been indexed, then you can make an indexing request to Google so that the page can be displayed in search results.

That's a collection of effective ways to make articles indexed by Google more easily. The most important thing, of course, you need to create quality content consistently and continue to optimize old content. In addition, make sure there are no meta tags that hinder the indexing process on your website.

After applying the method to get Google to index your article, you then just need to be patient. Wait a few moments, until your article appears in the search results. Do optimization if it is needed to rank higher on SERP.

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