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Content Research Guide: 8 Tips for Writing Quality Content

Last updated: Nov 04, 2022

Content Research Guide: 8 Tips for Writing Quality Content
Cover image: An image of paper and a magnifier glass as an illustration of how to do content research before producing high-quality content for a website. Here is what you are supposed to do.

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Content is one of the weapons you can use to rank highly in organic search. However, web owners often don't have any idea on how to optimize the content they create.

In producing high-quality content, of course, it cannot be done carelessly. You need to do content research to find out whether the content you created has reached the target audience or not, how much influence the content has on readers, and what impact your content has.

That's why we created the following content research guide to help you generate more optimized content in organic search. Learn how to research the following content carefully.

What is Content Research?

Content research is conducting research in the form of analyzing previously uploaded content and content from competitors' websites. With this research, the website will have higher quality as well as improve website performance and reach a wider audience.

However, doing content research is not easy. It takes time and effort to understand what kind of content your audience loves the most. Therefore, you must have good analytical skills so that the results are more optimal.

Content research is not only useful for providing the information that the target audience needs. More than that, effective content research can increase your visibility on search engines, drive organic traffic, and help your business grow long-term.

How to Do Content Research and The Component

The following components contain steps on how to do content research. The six components of that you need to know are as follows:

  • LSI keyword analysis
  • competitor content strategy analysis
  • searching for internal links in competitor's content
  • analyze research results and related literature
  • successful content optimization
  • collaboration with experts

The following is the explanation of each component of the content research. Follow each step to create more high-quality content that performs well in organic search.

1. LSI Keyword Analysis

LSI Keyword is one of the SEO components. Our process in conducting LSI keyword research is to use search engines.


  • Studying, analyzing, and recommending keywords from search engines
  • Analyze users' search intent for certain keywords

2. Analyze Competitor Content Strategy

Competitors who play in the same niche tend to have strategies that are not much different, therefore there is a need for strategic analysis to go one step further.


  • Analyze competitor outline
  • Analyze content systematics & content presentation
  • Develop a more comprehensive outline and draft

3. Tracing Internal Links in Competitors' Content

In the new Google algorithm update, it allows bot crawlers to understand the interrelationships between content through internal links. Studying the linking pattern of competitors will enrich our strategy.


  • Analyze internal linking techniques & patterns in competitor's content
  • Analyzing the Anchor Text used
  • Analyze link placement in articles

4. Monitoring Trends

To get keywords that can increase website traffic, you can look at trends on search engines and social media. That way, the content seems relevant and up-to-date with the latest issues.


  • Use Google Trends to see the latest trends
  • Find topics that match the brand and are interesting
  • Identify seasonal trends

5. Determine the Target Audience

In order for your content to be delivered effectively, research related to the target audience is needed. It can help you produce content and define characteristics based on people's demographics and behavior. Even with the target audience, you can determine the buyer persona.


  • Identify data and brand character
  • Audience analysis of brand competitors
  • Determine the audience that matches the brand


6. Researching Research Results and Related Literature

Research and literature information are the main resources for enriching strategies. Rich content is not only about the word count but also the quality.


  • Collecting & reviewing trusted related references
  • Analyze components in quality resources
  • Adapt and reprocess important data


7. Successful Content Optimization

Content has unique and different engagement patterns. By optimizing successful content we can learn and experiment with treatments.


  • Monitor the performance of published content
  • Perform on-page and off-page optimization
  • See engagement patterns in content


8. Collaboration with Experts

Experts have different points of view as well as qualified experience. We want you to absorb as much knowledge as possible from various points of view.

Regularly consult with experts, both SEO and content specialists to get the best recommendations. They can also help you determine topics that have the potential to increase rankings and clicks. That way, you can provide space to express ideas in writing for a blog article or something else.

Those are how to do content research and the components you need to know. Choosing the right type of content for a certain keyword can benefit your website. From bringing in more organic traffic, and increasing the potential for conversions.

But keep in mind that determining the right type of content is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It takes time and effort to analyze what kind of content really interests your audience.

Therefore, you must stay open to current content trends. That way, you can present content that your audience likes a lot. Besides producing new content, you can also update your existing content to increase website performance.

Doing content research to content production is a long process. However, if your company does not yet have an expert in this field, you can use SEO Content Writing Services to make it happen.



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