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Why Is WiFi Denied Access? The Reasons & How to Deal With It

Last updated: Apr 27, 2024

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Have you ever experienced WiFi failing to connect to a device? At times like this, you must be wondering why WiFi denied access. 

Failing to connect WiFi to a laptop or cellphone device will certainly be annoying, especially if you have to work. 

To solve this problem, you need to know the causes of WiFi refusing access and how to fix WiFi denied access to the network. 

No need to worry, this guide will walk you through why WiFi denies access and how to fix it until it's back to normal. So, stay tuned until the end!


Why WiFi Denied Access? 

 Illustration of WiFi and its router.
Figure 1: Illustration of WiFi and its router. 

Before exploring how to make WiFi not deny your access, let's take a look at the reasons why WiFi is denied access to the network. In general, the reasons why WiFi is denied access include inappropriate passwords or interference with the router. Here's the full explanation.


1. Inappropriate Password

The first reason why WiFi is denied access is an error in the password entered. There could be typos or discrepancies in the password entered. 

In addition, it could be that the registered password has not been updated according to the WiFi security policy.

Therefore, try to double-check the password you typed and update the password if it is not following the security policy.


2. Interference with the Router

The next reason why WiFi denies access is interference with the WiFi router. There are several reasons for interference with the router, such as technical problems, signal interference, overloaded routers, or other obstacles that can reduce WiFi performance. 

If the cause of the connection failure is the router, you should immediately contact the relevant technician and always carry out routine maintenance. 


3. Number of Devices Exceeding the Limit or Restricted Access

The number of devices that exceed the maximum limit can also be the reason why WiFi denies access.

Please note that WiFi has a maximum number of devices that can connect to the WiFi network. So, if the number of users accessing the network exceeds the maximum number, the router will be overloaded and deny access to the device to maintain its performance. 

Apart from overloading, it could be that the WiFi owner limits the number of accesses on the network so that WiFi will reject other devices that will access the network if the number of accesses is at its limit.


4. Malware on the Device

Did you know that if a device is infected with malware, then WiFi can deny access to the device? 

This is because malware on the device can prevent the device from communicating with the router, so the device cannot connect to the network. To prevent this, you can perform regular virus scans and immediately repair the device if malware is found. 


5. Router is in Airplane Mode

If the router is in airplane mode, the router will turn off the network so that the device cannot connect to WiFi. 

To handle this, you can open the router settings and check the airplane mode status. Then, you need to make sure that the airplane mode is off so that the device can connect to WiFi. 


6. MAC Address is Blacklisted

The last reason why WiFi denies access is because your device's MAC address may be blacklisted. 

The MAC address is a unique identity that exists on the device and serves to connect with the internet. If the MAC address is on the blacklist, then the device will not be able to connect to the WiFi network. 


How to Fix WiFi Denied Access

Now that you know why WiFi is denying access, it's time to learn how to deal with the problem. Here are some ways how to fix WiFi denied access.


1. Make sure the Password is Correct

The basic way to deal with the problem of why WiFi denied access is to double-check the password entered. 

You should make sure the password is correct by checking the letters, numbers, or symbols in the password. If it is necessary, retype it by opening the show password feature so that it matches.


2. Restart the Router

The next way to fix WiFi denies access is to restart the WiFi router. Although some people have abandoned this method, it is still sometimes applicable. 

To restart the router, you can do the following steps:

  • Switch off the router and press the power button. 
  • Take a short pause before activating it again.
  • Wait for the router indicator light to turn back on. 
  • Try to reconnect the device with WiFi. 


3. Forget the Network

How to overcome WiFi denies access on a laptop that you can do is to select the "forget network" option.

By choosing this, the device will delete the WiFi network access and data that has been connected. After that, you can try to reconnect it.

To do so, you can go to the WiFi settings on the device and select the "forget network" option. Next, try to reconnect by selecting the WiFi network you just deleted access to and entering the password appropriately. 


4. Restart the device

The way to overcome WiFi denies access on cell phones is to restart the device. It could be that it is not the WiFi router that has a problem, but the system on your cellphone. After restarting the device, try reconnecting to the associated WiFi. 


5. Check the Blacklist

As explained earlier, one of the reasons why WiFi denies access is because the MAC address of the device is on a blacklist or blocked. 

Therefore, try asking the administrator or owner of the WiFi to check whether your device's MAC address is blocked or not.


6. Increase the Number of Devices that Can Be Connected

The next way you can do is to increase the number of devices that can connect to WiFi. 

That way, other devices that will access WiFi will not be rejected. Aside from increasing the number of devices, you can also reduce the number of devices that can be connected by blocking access to other devices. 


7. Contact Customer Service

The last way you can do if WiFi access is still denied is to contact the WiFi provider's customer service. 

You can tell them clearly about the access problems you are experiencing. They will provide solutions over the phone or bring technicians to your place. 



Those are the causes of WiFi denied access and how to handle it. It can be concluded that there are several reasons why WiFi refuses access, such as the wrong password to block access. 

Any interference with WiFi network access needs to be handled immediately so you can get back to work.

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