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HTTP Status Code 2xx and The Server Responses

Last updated: Aug 15, 2022

HTTP Status Code 2xx and The Server Responses
Cover image: Illustration of 2xx status code. . In this guideline, we will discuss in detail the HTTP 2xx status codes, starting with the distribution of the status codes and the meaning for each of these status codes.

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2xx is the status code for successful responses. In a simple simulation, http status code 2xx will provide successful response, from the server to the client. Available status codes are 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208 and 226.

HTTP Status Code 200 OK

A blackboard with HTTP status code 200 OK
Figure 2: A blackboard with the HTTP 200 status code written in chalk. The status code is used to indicate that the request submitted by the user was successfully received by the server. Usually, the server will provide a response in accordance with the user's request.

With HTTP 200 status code, the server returns the success status of certain requests via GET, HEAD, POST, and TRACE.

The status code 200 is also well-known as the standard response for successful HTTP requests.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 200

HTTP Status Code 201 CREATED

Status code 201 indicates that REQUEST has been fulfilled and generated a NEW RESOURCES or, SERVER must create a certain resource before downloading http status code 201.

Client requests are in the form of POST or PUT.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 201

HTTP Status Code 202 ACCEPTED

Status code 202 indicates that REQUEST has been processed, but this phase has not yet been completed or is still in the process.

Then, why does the server have to return the 202 status if the process hasn't finished yet?

Response 202 is often seen as not committed. But the http status code 202 clearly has a purpose, which is to allow the server to accept other requests.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 202

HTTP Status Code 203 Non-Authoritative Information

HTTP 203 Non-Authoritative Information response status indicates that the CLIENT's request was successful, but the attached file has been modified by a proxy or a third party transforming from the 200 (OK) response on the origin server.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 203

HTTP Status Code 204

HTTP 204 responses generally appear in cases of PUT use. Where the server has implemented the client REQUEST, but without changing the content of the current page displayed to the user.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 204

HTTP Status Code 205

The status code 205 is a request from the server to the client to reset documents from which the original request was sent. For example, if a user fills out a form, and sends it, the status code 205 means the server asks the browser to delete the form.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 205

HTTP Status Code 206

Status code 206 is a response to a request for part of a document. This code is used by advanced caching tools, when the user agent only requests a small portion of the page, only that part is returned.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 206

HTTP Status Code 207

The message body that follows by default is an XML message and can contain a number of separate response codes, depending on how many sub-requests are made.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 207

HTTP Status Code 208

DAV binding members have been mentioned in the previous response section (multistatus), and are not included again.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 208

HTTP Status Code 226

The server has fulfilled the resource request, and the response is a representation of the results of one or more instance manipulations applied to the current instance.

For example HTTP Status 2xx Status Code: 226

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