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8 Tips on How to Make a Business Pitching

Last updated: Mar 16, 2024

8 Tips on How to Make a Business Pitching
Cover image: Illustration of business pitching to present business ideas to potential clients or investors.

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Businesses in various industries must consider how to pitch well to increase profitability. 

This is because marketing pitch is the key to securing external funding, which is required for the sustainability of a business. 

Good pitching is not only about the ability to convey ideas clearly and convincingly but also to grab the attention of investors and draw them into your business vision. 

With the right strategy, you can strengthen your chances of getting financial support for business growth and development. Let's look at how to effectively conduct business in this article!


What is Pitching?

Illustration of Business Pitching.
Figure 1: Illustration of Business Pitching.

Pitching is the process of presenting your business ideas to potential clients or investors. The primary goal of pitching depends on the intended audience.

When pitching to clients, the goal is to persuade them to use the products or services you offer. Meanwhile, pitching to investors helps your business to grow and expand through the funding provided.

This means that you must be able to communicate your message, convince potential clients or investors, and get them interested in what you have to offer.


Why is Pitching Important in Business?

Pitching is your first chance to impress potential investors. It is also an opportunity to sell your business idea so they will want to invest in your business. 

Here are some of the reasons why marketing pitch is such an important part of the business world:

  • Getting Resources: Generally, pitching is done to convince investors to fund the business. In this case, you need to consider several things, such as the risk of investment, to fit with the goals of your business values.
  • Showcasing Skills: The person delivering the pitch deck must be well-prepared. A successful pitch can be judged by how well it is planned and delivered, as well as by how well the person's public speaking ability.
  • Expanding Relationships: Pitching allows you to identify your audience and get information about your potential clients. 


Business Pitching Tips

Good pitching involves conveying ideas, emphasizing business value, and building the trust of possible clients or investors. Here are the business pitching tips that you can follow: 

1. Understand the Client's Problem

The first step in business pitching is to understand the client's issue. Identifying the issue that the customer is dealing with is necessary to successfully present your product or service to them. 

After you have gained an understanding of your client's background, including their demographics, age, gender, and purchasing patterns, you will be able to design your decks more precisely.

2. Create a Presentation Framework 

The next step in the business pitching process is to develop a presentation framework and storyline that is entertaining and easy to follow. 

You need to make sure that your presentation flows smoothly, from the very beginning to the very end. 

In addition, you can also ask for feedback from colleagues or superiors after the presentation is finished. This aims to identify areas that need improvement before the presentation begins.

3. Use Data Visualization

Adding data visualizations such as graphs and infographics to your marketing pitch can improve your audience's comprehension. 

By using these visualizations, you can more easily engage the audience to understand your product or service. 

By including data visualizations, you can strengthen your marketing pitch and increase your chances of attracting investors or clients.

4. Include Quantitative Data

In addition to data visualization, providing quantitative data in your presentation is essential. 

This aims to help the audience understand the business target, increase the level of trust, and enhance the chances of the audience to consider your business. 

Make sure to choose the data carefully and present it clearly in different slides so that clients or investors can convey the information in a structured and easy-to-understand manner.

5. Highlight Key Points at the beginning of the Presentation

The next effective way to marketing pitch is to make sure that within the first 30 seconds, you express 2-3 important points that capture the attention of the client or investor.

In this limited period, you are required to explain the value of your product or service, the potential of the market, and why your business is worthy of attention and investment. 

If you fail to make a good impression at the beginning of the presentation, then there will be a high chance that the audience will lose interest in what you have delivered.

6. Deliver the Presentation Efficiently 

When presenting using marketing pitch decks, keep the presentation length around 15 minutes. Cut down on irrelevant and rambling points to remain focused on the essential information that needs to be conveyed.

The goal is not to make the audience feel like their time is being wasted. By doing so, you can increase the appeal of your presentation, make it more effective, and increase your chances of obtaining financial support for your business.

7. Clarify the USP of the Business Compared to Clients

Clarify your business's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to identify the uniqueness of the product or service you offer. 

Focus on what sets your business apart and demonstrate how it may bring significant value. 

By clarifying your business USP, you can attract the attention of clients and investors.  

8. End with a CTA

The next step to create an effective business pitch is to conclude the presentation using a Call to Action. 

This aims to allow clients or potential investors to discuss further the products or services you offer. 

In addition, delivering a CTA clearly can also direct the audience to take the next step, whether it's putting in an investment or making a purchase. 


Components of Business Pitching

Illustration of pitching to increase business success.
Figure 2: Illustration of pitching to increase business success.

Once you have mastered how to pitch well, the next step in business pitching is to become familiar with many components of pitching business, which are an essential part of conveying your idea to the audience. 

Here are the elements that you should pay attention to in pitching business:

  • Clear Business Description: You need to briefly and clearly describe your business, the products or services offered, and the demographics of your target market.
  • Problem and Opportunity Explanation: Indicate the problem you want to solve and what opportunity you want to capitalize on.
  • Business Model: Explain how your business can earn revenue and how you will monetize the product or service.
  • Competitive Analysis: Provide an overview of your competitors and how your business will differentiate itself from the rest.
  • Clear Vision: Your vision for the future of the business should be included and should be supported with measurable goals.
  • Financial Plan: Describe the amount of funding you require, how it will be utilized, and the time frame in which investors will get their returns.
  • Passionate Presentation: When you pitch, show with enthusiasm that you have a deep understanding of your business.


Common Pitching Mistakes

Pitching mistakes frequently occur when businesses fail to understand the needs of clients and investors. Here are some common pitching mistakes:

1. Presenting Too Much Information

When you present too much information, you will take up too much of the prospective client's time.

As a result, the information presented may be irrelevant and make the main message ambiguous and difficult to understand.

2. Lack of Clear Structure

Not having a clear structure in the presentation and the message to be conveyed is also one of the mistakes that are often made when pitching. 

Without a coherent information structure, clients and potential investors will find it difficult to understand the information. This can also cause them to get confused or lose interest in following your pitch.

3. Lack of Research

The last mistake is failing to do enough research on your product or business. Without a solid understanding of both, you will lose confidence in your presentation and make it difficult for the audience to understand the value you offer. 


That's a complete explanation of how to pitch well. You will have the opportunity to open up new opportunities and obtain the investment needed to improve your business if you use the pitching method described above.

In addition to maximizing marketing techniques through pitching, you also need to increase business potential through organic digital marketing strategies through search engines. 

In this case, SEO Services by cmlabs can help you increase website visibility and ranking so that your business can grow organically without relying on paid advertising. Contact our Marketing Team and receive a special offer now!

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