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Amazon SEO: 8 Strategies to Maximize Your Product Visibility

Last updated: Sep 27, 2024

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Amazon is one of the world's leading e-commerce companies, with more than 300 million active users worldwide. Due to the high level of competition on Amazon, business owners need to implement specific strategies to ensure that potential customers can easily find the products they are selling.

That is why you need comprehensive and proven effective strategies like Amazon SEO. SEO for Amazon is a practice designed to optimize your store on the Amazon platform to achieve higher sales.

Read this article to the end to learn more about Amazon SEO and how to apply it!


What Is Amazon SEO?

Amazon SEO is an optimization strategy used to increase the visibility of stores and products in Amazon search results. Just like any other search engine, Amazon uses a complex set of algorithms to determine the ranking of products in its search results.

Therefore, a proper and effective SEO strategy is necessary to attract traffic and increase the sales of your online stores on Amazon.


Search Components on Amazon

There are several search components in Amazon designed to help users find products that match their needs.

Here are the main search components on Amazon:


1. Search Box Feature

Like most search functions, Amazon's search box finds products or services based on keywords or phrases you enter. Amazon also has an auto-suggest feature in the search box that provides suggestions based on the keywords you enter.


2. Search Filters

Once the keywords have been entered, users can use the search filters to focus and narrow down their search results. For example, search filters can be applied by category, price, rating, and delivery service.


3. Search Results Page

The next component is the search results page, which contains a list of products offered to users based on their search terms. The search results page typically displays a list of products, including a product image, product name, price, star rating, and number of reviews.


4. Amazon Best Seller List

The bestseller list shows the most popular products on Amazon's online store based on real-time sales rates. This list is regularly updated by the Amazon system.


5. Sponsored Products and Ads

Sponsored products and ads are paid advertisements displayed in various strategic sections with the goal of boosting the product's ranking in the search results, making it stand out from the competition, and attracting customers' attention.


8 Strategies on How to Improve SEO on Amazon

How SEO is performed on Amazon may be slightly different than SEO practices on other search engines.

Amazon uses the A9 algorithm to determine search rankings, considering some factors such as keyword relevance, user reviews, conversion rates, and product availability.

As a result, you need effective SEO optimization strategies that are specifically tailored to this algorithm. Here are the Amazon SEO tips that you can implement in your business:


1. Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research begins with analysing words and phrasing that users may look for. The Amazon Search Suggestion feature can make it easier for you to research by simply typing the words or phrases relevant to your product into the search box.

Amazon will display a list of popular and frequently searched keywords based on these words or phrases.

If you want to simplify the process, you can use Amazon's SEO tools to find top keyword-related phrases, view search volume, and obtain other necessary data.

Once you have the keywords, you can incorporate short and long-tail keywords into your product content.


2. Create Engage Product Title

The best place to include keywords is in the product title. Your product title is the customer's first impression, so make sure to choose the right one. You can include some information, such as the product type, brand name, colour and size, to make the product name more engaging.

Remember to make the product title eye-catching, short, and clear. Don’t forget to include the main keywords; this can make it easier for your product to rank high on search pages.


3. Create Clear Product Descriptions

Another strategy on how to optimize SEO for Amazon is by creating clear product descriptions.

To make your product descriptions appealing, you can use attention-grabbing opening words, highlight the product's benefits, include a CTA, and organize the description.

Typically, product descriptions include details about product specifications such as material, colour, size, quantity, dimensions, and instructions for use.

Tip: Place your main keyword at the beginning of the paragraph, and to avoid keyword stuffing, use keyword variations within the description content.


4. Use Lists for Product Details

Next, you can present product details in a list format to make them easier to understand. This strategy can enhance keyword effectiveness and improve user experience.

Also, choose only important information to highlight in the list, such as design updates, benefits, and unique features of the product. Consider what aspects might attract customers or be the USP of a product.

Tip: You can start each list item with one or two short words with the first letter capitalized, then provide additional explanations that are less than 100 characters.


5. Create Back-End Keyword

Back-end keywords are hidden or invisible keywords used by Amazon to increase your product's visibility.

Here’s how to add back-end keywords to your products:

  • Log in to your business account on Amazon Seller Central Account.
  • Select the 'Inventory' option from the main menu, then choose 'Manage All Inventory.'
  • Find the product listing to which you want to add back-end keywords, then click 'Edit.'
  • Click on the 'Product details' option.
  • Finally, add the desired keywords in the 'Generic keyword' field.

When entering back-end keywords, make sure to use only lowercase letters and separate words using spaces.


6. Use Attractive and High-Quality Product Photos

Next Amazon SEO tips are using attractive and high-quality product photos. One of the most important keys to increasing sales is having attractive, high-quality product photos.

As a user, you naturally want to buy products with realistic and high-quality photos. So, you can build trust and persuade users to buy your product by using high-quality product photos or videos.

Additionally, to optimize SEO practice, don't forget to include alt text for each uploaded photo. Alt text should be a short, descriptive sentence containing 1-2 keywords.


7. Create a Product Pricing Strategy

Price is one of the most important aspects that users consider before purchasing an item. Of course, they are going to choose the product with the lowest price and the best quality.

This is where the importance of a product pricing strategy comes into play. It must grab the user's attention and make them feel like they are getting a good deal by purchasing your product.

You can do market research on similar products and price comparisons for your product. Be careful not to set your prices too high or too low, and offer occasional discounts like special flash sale prices.

In addition, use the pricing psychology technique, such as setting pricing just below a round number, for example, writing the price as "IDR79,900" instead of "IDR80,000”.


8. Build Positive Reviews

The last step on how to improve SEO on Amazon is building positive reviews. Positive reviews are the biggest driving factor for users to buy products. Users will choose to buy products from stores that have good reviews and high sales rates.

To increase the number of positive reviews, you can use broadcast messages that are sent through the chat feature on Amazon after the user makes a purchase. You can also provide offers to users who leave positive reviews on your store.

One effective way for beginners to sell on Amazon is by increasing the number of positive reviews.



Implementing SEO for Amazon can help your online store attract more traffic and increase sales. With the right and consistent strategy, you can get the results you want and help your business grow on the Amazon platform.

If you find implementing Amazon SEO too complex to do, you can collaborate with experienced experts like SEO Services by cmlabs! With an experienced team of professionals, we are here to help you achieve business success!



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