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Content Writing Tips: How To Enrich Vocabulary

Published at Jul 11, 2020 07:07

Content Writing Tips: How To Enrich Vocabulary
Cover image: the illustration of writing kits for making great content. The important thing for content writers is the wide variety of vocabulary to enrich their writing. This article will show you how to enrich your vocabulary in writing a content.

Content writing is an activity of transferring ideas with language as the medium. If our paradigm is already at such level, it is important to pay more attention to the linguistic aspect of writing content.

We certainly know that digital content does not have to use difficult language. This is because digital content must be able to represent the market segmentation, as well as the targeted market niche.

For whom the article is written is the main goal of digital content. But then, are other aspects worth putting aside?

Especially if that's the case, is it true that writing content is super easy? Is it true that with only the knowledge of target consumers and trending topics, our content will be successful?

Let's go back to the paradigm in the first sentence of this article—about the linguistic aspect of the content.

The word 'linguistic' in KBBI is translated as the science of language. When it comes to writing, the linguistic aspect refers to the linguistic factors that must be applied to create high-quality content.

In this article, I will discuss what linguistic aspects need to be applied in digital content creation. Due to the wide scope of linguistics, I will focus on the topic of how to increase vocabulary. And we will also discuss how vocabulary and word choice can make the content richer and more powerful.

Of course, you will find many articles that discuss this issue. But what makes this article different is how language is closely related to the technical issues of SEO and basic SERP configuration.

Rich Vocabulary for Comprehensive Content

As we know, keywords are a very vital component in digital writing. Keywords in SEO are not only focused on seed keyword optimization (or most people call it the main keyword). Because putting too many seed keywords will make our content easily detected as spam.

Then, what is the best solution? If your answer is by "searching and optimizing keyword variations", it's not wrong (at least technically). However, technical matters like that I don't fully recommend to do. Because after all, it is our ability to process vocabulary that will improve the quality of our content.

For example, in the following case. A comparison of the two sides will clarify the correct use of vocabulary.

kosakata content writing tips


content writing kosakata tips
Rich Vocabulary to Make it Easy to "Guess" Keyword Variations

From the comparison above, it appears that the optimization in terms of language and word choice is very significant. If we observe, the rephrased version contains technically sound words, which are in accordance with the context and topic of writing. The side-by-side comparison above is a very simple illustration of how to increase vocabulary.

It's not wrong when writing content or content writing activities, we 'peek' the recommendation for keyword variations or LSI keywords as a reference for enriching content. However, the text output will be more readable naturally if you apply a combination.

Yes, we can combine the keywords that we get with the vocabulary we have. The side-by-side illustration I presented above will help you understand this.

As we discussed earlier, it will be difficult to always rely on keyword crawlers for all content. In fact, without us realizing it, even when we search for keywords and trending topics, we certainly need the right vocabulary.

Without it, we will only focus on what we know. Even though it is very possible that our prospective readers will even know the synonyms.

Responding to Google Bots' Algorithm Update

Later today, we are releasing a broad core algorithm update, as we do several times per year. It is called the May 2020 Core Update. Our guidance about such updates remains as we've covered before. Please see this blog post for more about that: https://t.co/e5ZQUAlt0G

— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) May 4, 2020

Google is one of the super-smart search engines with algorithms that are always being updated. Detecting the relationship between search queries (both local & global) is not difficult for them. Moreover, at this time Google is not focused on how many keywords we appear, but more on how we "bring" readers to understand the main idea of ​​our content.

In simple terms, Google's algorithm is now able to identify content topics as a whole – instead of focusing on snippets and repetitions of key phrases that obscure the topic of discussion.

But how does this relate to the richness of our vocabulary? Certainly do.

In linguistics, we are familiar with the term semantics, a branch of linguistics that focuses on the meaning of words and phrases.

In short, by following content writing tips, the more content that is rich in synonyms of key phrases, the better the content in the eyes of search engines and SEO performance.

For example, we want to write an article about the sling bag trend for gen-z's #OOTD. If sling bag is the only word we know, then other key phrases, such as “tas selempang” will be missed. In fact, based on my exploration at the time this article was written, tas selempang” have a greater demand.

Thesaurus: Vocabulary Enrichment Tools

thesaurus untuk kosakata content writing tips

One of the content writing tips to enrich vocabulary is through the use of a thesaurus. So what is a thesaurus, and how powerful is it to help us write? If you are familiar with dictionaries, the thesaurus should be easy for you to apply. Thesaurus is a list of vocabulary that is compiled on the basis of similarity of meaning.

Slightly different from the dictionary directory that provides detailed definitions, the thesaurus gives us recommendations for words with similar meanings. For example, for the main vocabulary "combination", the thesaurus will give us recommendations for other words in the form of "combination", "assimilation", "combination", and other similar vocabularies.

Closing and Conclusion

Unlike SEO technical matters which rely on a quantitative paradigm, language is present as a vital element that is not to be quantified. The linguistic element comes with its own characteristics to make the content more meaningful, rich, and includes related ideas, apart from exact optimizations.

Vocabulary is a basic element of language shows its existence when the main keyword has reached the saturation point, where repetition is impossible. How a variety of vocabulary is played nicely by a content writer is the biggest question at this phase. Content will achieve its greatest success as soon as it is able to answer the user's intentions with the rich variety of phrases contained in it.



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