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What Is Predictive SEO? Benefits & How to Use It for Business

Last updated: Jul 08, 2024

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Content marketing has become one of the promotional efforts of many businesses in various sectors. They compete to reach the most engagement by following what is trending at a certain time. 

Yet, have you ever imagined predicting the trend? You may assist your company in anticipating future trends using predictive SEO and produce content today to rank highly later on. This guide will help you explore how it can help your business and how to do it. 


What Is Predictive SEO?

An illustration of analysing SEO data.
Figure 1: An illustration of analysing SEO data. 

Predictive SEO is a practice that enables you to forecast what the customer needs or wants to see in the future. With that, you can provide content before competitors can execute it. 

In using this practice, you will foresee trends utilising valid data and past information so that you can optimise the content. 

Additionally, you can use it to estimate the search terms that will drive traffic even if you have never used them before.

Then, what makes it distinct? Commonly, content creators will wait for the moment or ride the current popular trend. However, with this SEO practice, you can discuss trending topics before they emerge and head start. 

Heading start prevents you from writing a saturated topic since the more people discuss it, the more your content will get saturated easily. 


Why Is Predictive SEO Important to Your Business?

Using predictive SEO to do keyword research will enhance your possibility to rank better on the keyword when users finally search for it in the future. 

In addition, when your content becomes the first source talking about the topic, there will be more media or authors referring to you which will affect your authority on the subject. 

This SEO practice is also advantageous for any kind of industry, including B2B, B2C, and others.

In addition, it can help businesses rely on informative content to focus on upcoming trends faster than their competitors who do not employ it. 

Predictive SEO can be a promising practice, especially for businesses striving to rank in the search engine result pages. Yet, please note that the result of this SEO practice is not always 100% accurate since it is hard to foresee the future. 

However, you can use it to stay ahead of the competition by betting on certain keywords before they become popular.

Furthermore, its performance highly depends on how well your optimisation is. The longer you use SEO, the more progressive and accurate results you get. 

You probably cannot use it for a fundamental strategy, but you can use it to improve the search results. 


How to Do Predictive SEO?

There are some tips and strategies you can do in implementing this SEO practice, including:


1. Look at Previous Data

You must examine past data from programs like Google Analytics to appear in forecasted search results.

Regarding this, you can foresee how things will work in the future by using your past data, which will provide you with information about how they have previously performed.

Moreover, you can use the data to decide which SEO strategies you can implement for your website and content.


2. Update Keyword Searches Frequently

Next, since keywords are what drive people to search engines, you should routinely track keyword searches.

Keeping an eye on searches enables you to identify subjects and keywords that visitors find interesting as well as those that could generate more traffic.

In addition, the amount of clicks and impressions on Google Search Console will rise when a topic becomes widely discussed.


3. Determine Topics for Content

Content raises your page's search engine ranking and attracts worthwhile visitors. When you accumulate important metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), observe what kind of content performs best. 

Moreover, to choose the ideal time of year to produce content, you can also consider the season. By using such information, you can make more informed decisions about when to publish content and increase your impact.


4. Monitor Trends on Social Media and Google Trends

There are a lot of tools you can use to monitor what is going on globally, such as social media like Instagram, TikTok, and Google Trends. 

Because social media encourages sharing, it has an impact on how trends evolve. This implies that an upload will reach a bigger audience the more times a user shares it. 

Then, you can utilise Google Trends to discover the most popular keywords right now. This tool provides information on a keyword's popularity over time in search results. Additionally, you may contrast how popular a few keywords are in other nations.


5. Evaluate the Page Traffic

Page traffic analysis can reveal the interest in content on a specific subject. A page's content is in greater demand the more visitors it receives. 

On the other hand, if fewer people are visiting a website, it indicates that people are not interested in the topic.

Consequently, you can write an article on a related subject if you notice that traffic to a certain article is increasing.

Besides evaluating the traffic, you can also use Google Analytics to see the user behaviour and what kind of content is desired. 



Those are the ins and outs of predictive SEO you can learn and employ in your business. Stay ahead the competition will surely impact your business and lead you to be the market leader. 

Yet, predictive SEO is not enough to win the market. You need to strengthen your fundamentals with SEO to be able to conquer the search results. In this case, you can entrust SEO Services by cmlabs

With the help of cmlabs, you can raise the credibility of your website, expand its audience, and rank it higher by creating excellent content, utilising on-page optimisation, generating links, and much more. Collaborate with us right now!



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