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Magento SEO: A Complete Guide to Optimise Your Magento Site

Last updated: Jul 19, 2024

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Magento is a platform that is commonly used for business-to-business (B2B) transactions with enterprise stores in the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.

Online businesses need to understand Magento SEO to maintain their pages at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) given the competitive landscape.

Then, what is Magento SEO and why is it important for business? This article will answer it in detail. So, read it until the end!


What Is Magento SEO?

Illustration of Magento SEO.
Figure 1: Illustration of Magento SEO.

As mentioned before, Magento is a platform used for B2B transactions. In brief, Magento or Adobe Commerce is an open-source eCommerce platform offering flexibility, versatility, and comprehensive features that can help brands market their products online. 

The ability to manage numerous brands or shops concurrently on a single interface is one of Magento's many unique capabilities. 

Not only that, Magento also lets you alter the appearance and attractiveness of your online store, offers an accessible environment for companies of all sizes, speeds up website loading for a more seamless shopping experience, provides a range of payment methods, including currencies in the local, and so on. 

Magento SEO is an optimisation strategy designed specifically for the Magento platform. Magento provides excellent SEO tools, including several redirection options, on-page SEO, technical SEO, off-page SEO,  a sitemap.xml file, and a robots.txt file. 

Utilising Magento search engine optimisation can prevent content duplication, enhance blog performance, and avoid inadequate canonical tags. 

Furthermore, Magento websites benefit from unrestricted access to cloud-based services, cutting-edge features, dependable architecture with high availability, and much more that ensures optimal performance at all times.

Yet, there are several issues you may encounter while employing Magento SEO, such as:

  • Low loading speed.
  • Inappropriately worded and tagged products.
  • Ranking for excessively long or unrelated keywords.
  • Issues with pagination and faceted navigation.
  • Inconsistent URLs for product categories and pages.


How to Improve Magento SEO

Even though implementing Magento SEO can be challenging, there are several tips you can adhere to help you optimise your Magento platform, such as:


1. Metadata Optimisation

The first tactic is optimising your product metadata which includes titles and meta descriptions. Title and meta description can help users learn about your product and improve the relevance of your page. 

To add metadata to product pages, you can navigate to Magento 2 admin, click Product, go to Catalog, click Edit Product, and click on Search Engine Optimization

In order to add metadata to category pages, you can back to Magento 2 admin, click Category, choose the desired one, and click Search Engine Optimization


2. Improving Crawling and Indexing

Magento has layered navigation which makes it arduous for crawling and indexing the pages. For information, facet navigation helps users refine their product search results by selecting different qualities, values, or facets, such as colour, size, and more.

Therefore, in crawling and indexing facet navigation, you should do some activities as follows:

  • Audit indexed pages from faceted navigation to find poor-quality pages. 
  • Use index or canonical tags, or other appropriate steps, to exclude them from indexing.
  • Index only the pages that have the greatest potential for searches.
  • Examine the website's log files to find any low-quality pages that are frequently crawled.
  • Block the crawling of low-value parameters by using robots.txt.


3. Commercial Long-tail Keyword Optimisation

Next, you should optimise the use of commercial long-tail keywords since it is the term that users use to find particular services or products. 

You can utilise Google auto suggest to find the terms or other tools like Google Keyword Planner and Sequence Stat. 


4. Using HTTPS to Secure Site

Websites that use HTTPS are ranked higher by search engines than those that use HTTP, giving them priority.

Users can feel secure knowing that their data is secure when they use HTTPS, which is implemented as a best practice in Magento 2 SEO and is denoted by the padlock icon in the browser's address bar.

To redirect HTTP to HTTPS, you can use 301 redirects. This assures that, even in cases when users do not enter the precise target URL, traffic lands on the appropriate content that search engines have indexed.


5. Employing SEO-friendly URLs

The next tip is employing SEO-friendly URLs. Both search engine algorithms and people can better grasp your page content and determine how to rank it in the SERPs with the aid of a well-structured URL. 

You must keep the URLs simple, concise, and definitive. Moreover, you should put the main keyword on it, use lowercase letters, and use hyphens (-) between words.


6. Using Canonical URLs

One prevalent problem with search engine optimisation is duplicate content, which frequently occurs in eCommerce sites where products may appear under several URLs.

You can easily fix this problem from an SEO perspective by ensuring that a canonical tag appears on category and product pages.

To do so, you can adhere to these steps:

  • Go to Stores and visit Configuration.
  • Go to Catalog Catalog Search Engine Optimization. 
  • Select Store View.
  • Go to Use Canonical Link Meta Tag For Products and Use Canonical Link Meta Tag For Categories, and choose Yes
  • Click Save Config


7. XML Sitemap Configuration in Magento 2

Search engines can access a full and organised list of all of your web pages thanks to XML sitemaps. It facilitates search engines' comprehension of your page's hierarchy and how to crawl it appropriately. 

Here are how to enable XML sitemap in Magento 2:

  • Go to Stores and visit Configuration.
  • Go to Catalog XML Sitemap. 
  • From the drop-down menus, adjust the Categories Options, Products Options, and CMS Pages Options settings.
  • Set Generation Settings to Yes with preferred options to enable sitemap generation.
  • As necessary, change the Sitemap File Limits settings.
  • Make sure the Robot.txt box is enabled and set to Yes in the Search Engine Submission Settings section.
  • Click Save Config



Those are the information about Magento SEO you can learn. There are more tactics you can do for this type of SEO besides the mentioned tips above. Yet, doing it alone can be challenging. 

Therefore, working with a Magento SEO services provider can be beneficial for you. Magento SEO agency surely has the resources to help you elevate your site to be recognisable to potential customers. 

If you want to implement SEO in your business, SEO Services by cmlabs can be the answer. We have teams of professionals to tackle all your SEO needs, especially in websites and apps. So, what are you waiting for? Contact our marketing teams and get the best offer now!



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