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HTTP Status Code - Server Response 300 to 308

Last updated: Aug 15, 2022

HTTP Status Code - Server Response 300 to 308
Cover image: illustration of HTTP status code 3xx. This status code is used when you want to redirect the user from the original destination page to the page that should be addressed. Use redirect links sparingly, as overuse can reduce the quality of the user experience on your page.

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Status code 3xx indicates that a client has to take additional measures in order to resolve a request. A lot of these status codes are used in URL redirections.

A user agent can only take additional measures without the user’s interaction when the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD. A user agent is authorized to automatically redirect requests and also detect or intervene so as to prevent redirection loops from happening.

HTTP Status Code 300 Multiple Choices

Indicates several options for resources available for clients (by way of content negotiation). For example this particular code can be used to enable several video format options, to create a list of files with different file name extensions, or to suggest disambiguation in the meaning of words.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 300

HTTP Status Code 301 Moved Permanently

This status code as well as all future requests have to be moved to the given URI.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 301

HTTP Status Code 302 Found (Before “Moved Temporarily”)

This code tells the clients to browse other URLs as the resource that has been requested is temporarily under different URLs.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 302

HTTP Status Code 303 See Other

Response to request can be found under different URI by using GET method. When received as a response to POST, PUT, or DELETE, a client must assume that the server has received the necessary data and should issue a new GET request to the given URI.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 303

HTTP Status Code 304 Not Modified

This code indicates that the resource has not been modified since the previous version by request header If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match. In such cases, there is no need to retransmit the requested resource to the client.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 304

HTTP Status Code 305 Use Proxy

The requested resource is only available through a proxy, with its address provided in the response. Due to security reasons, the majority of HTTP clients (e.g. Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer) do not comply with this status code.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 305

HTTP Status Code 306 Switch Proxy

This status code is outdated and thus no longer used. Its definition was “Further requests have to use the defined proxy”.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 306

HTTP Status Code 307 Temporary Redirect

In this case, the request must be repeated with another URI; however, further requests should still use the original URI. Unlike the implementations of 302, you are not allowed to change the request method when reissuing the original request. For instance, POST request must be repeated by using another POST request.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 307

HTTP Status Code 308 Permanent Redirect

This request and future requests must be repeated using another URI. 307 and 308 are in parallel with behavior 302 and 301, but keep in mind not to change the HTTP method. For instance, form submission to the permanently redirected resource can still proceed without any noticeable problems.

For example HTTP Status 3xx Status Code: 308



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