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User Experience (UX)

Last updated: Mar 27, 2021

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User Experience (UX) is a process which is used to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experience for the users to increase satisfaction, easiness in interacting with a system or product which is symbolized in the form of human-computer interaction.

The use of User Experience (UX)

User Experience is very important because it tries to fulfill the user's needs, which aims at providing a positive experience that makes the users loyal to the product or brand for the continuity of business.

User Experience Design Process

There are some steps in creating user experience, they are:

1. User Personal

 The first step in this process is that knowing the client, by knowing the personality of the client, the user can develop experiences related to the client’s voice and emotion.

2. Interview

 Conducting an interview with clients to get insight about what will be applied in the design to make it effective. The best way to get information directly is that learning and interacting with clients.

3. Job Stories

 A brief description of the features which will be developed in the product which is delivered from client’s point of view. 

4. Funtionality Map

 After knowing which features are wanted by the client, the designer must design a Functional Map to generate a page which will be created and useful to clearly organize all of the pages and sub-pages in the product.

5. Wireframes

 A wireframe is a visual guideline that represents the outlines of a product and gives a display preview and the feel of the created product. By using wireframe, it can decrease the problems that arise before developing into program code where it can save the time of developing.

6. Prototyping

 Prototype is a “mockup” version of the final product created, which is then used for user testing before launching the products. It aims at decreasing the time in development and money wasted that often occur in a product before launch. 

7. Usability Testing

 Usability testing is a way to verify how easy the use of the product is and verify it with the real user to identify the obstacles and problems which appear while using the product.

Factors that Affecting User Experience (UX)

Some factors that influence in creating user experience are:

  • Useful

Useful means the products or services that are provided must be useful and meet the client's needs.

  • Usable

Usable means the system of the product must be simple and easy to be used by the client.

  • Desirable

Desirable means the pictures, identity, brand, and the other element designs that are used to evoke emotion and appreciation.

  • Findable

Findable means information that is contained on a product is easy to be found and navigated.

  • Accessible

Accessible means the products or services that are designed must be friendly for disabled people in order to have the same experience as other users.

  • Credible

Credible means the designer must make the client trust what the designer delivered to the client. 

  • Valuable

Valuable means the products or services must have value. For non-profit products, the user experience must reach their mission, whereas for profit products, the user experience must have a contribution to the satisfaction of the client.

Field Related to User Experience

  • Project Management

Project Management focuses on the planning and organizing project and their sources from forming a project team, formulating designs into project completion.

  • User Reseacrh

User Research focuses on understanding of user behavior, needs, and motivation through observation technique, assignment analysis, and other feedback methodology. 

  • Usability Evaluation

Usability Evaluation focuses on how well the user can learn and use a product to get its purpose. It also refers to how satisfied a user towards a process. 

  • Information Architecture

Information Architecture focuses on how information is arranged, organized, and presented to users.

  • User Interface Design

User Interface Design focuses on anticipating things that might need to be done by the user and making sure that the interface has elements that are easy to be accessed, understood, and used. 

  • Interaction Design

Interaction Design focuses on creating interesting and interactive systems based on user behavior. 

  • Visual Design

Visual Design focuses on making sure that the interface is in line with the brand’s goals. 

  • Content Strategy

Content Strategy focuses on writing useful content. 

  • Accessibility

Accessibility focuses on how the disabled user can get the same experience as well as other users without differentiating it. 

  • Web Analys

Web Analyst focuses on submitting, reporting, and analyzing website data.



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