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SEO Services

Jasa SEO Indonesia:
Get Noticed. Get Chosen.

Setiap perusahaan sebaiknya memiliki proyeksi pasar dan tujuan yang jelas serta terukur. Jasa SEO cmlabs membantu perusahaan Anda melakukan audit website dari segi teknis, perencanaan dan penyusunan strategi, hingga proyeksi trafik website.

Dapatkan penawaran untuk SEO services

Promosi media sosial memang ampuh, tapi SEO membuatnya semakin utuh.

SEO memudahkan Anda mencapai audiens yang lebih luas

SEO memudahkan Anda membangun kredibilitas dan otoritas

SEO memudahkan Anda meningkatkan peringkat website di hasil pencarian

Kami Taklukkan Setiap Tantangan


Kesulitan bersaing dengan kompetitor karena terbatasnya visibilitas bisnis di mesin pencari dan struktur website tidak teratur. Akibatnya, brand kurang mendapat eksposur dari target market.


cmlabs menyediakan Jasa SEO profesional yang mencakup proses audit teknis, pengembangan proyeksi website, peningkatan otoritas website di mesin pencari, dan masih banyak lagi. Kami sukses membantu beberapa klien ternama di industri kesehatan dan finansial menjadi market leader tepercaya.


Perusahaan kekurangan waktu dan tenaga kerja untuk mengeksekusi rencana SEO strategis yang matang karena harus fokus pada aspek bisnis lainnya.


Membangun tim in-house SEO akan lebih memakan waktu dan sumber daya. Bersama cmlabs, seluruh perencanaan dan aktivitas SEO perusahaan Anda akan ditangani oleh ahli berpengalaman di industri terkait.


Kesulitan mengukur kinerja website dan performanya secara real-time karena tidak memiliki tools atau data yang komprehensif.


cmlabs adalah mitra yang Anda butuhkan. Kami sukses membantu banyak perusahaan ternama di berbagai sektor industri, mulai dari industri finansial, kesehatan, FMCG, dan lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan pemasaran mereka melalui penerapan strategi SEO berbasis data dan kasus nyata.


Biaya iklan berbasis PPC atau model lainnya dirasa terlalu menguras anggaran pemasaran.


Jasa SEO cmlabs adalah solusi yang lebih cost-effective karena tim kami fokus membantu brand atau perusahaan membangun visibilitas organik secara berkelanjutan. Hasil pencarian organik juga akan memperkuat otoritas dan reputasi merek di mata target konsumen.

Paling Populer

Pilih SEOlusi Terbaik Anda!

IDR 10juta
IDR 20juta
IDR 35juta
Paling Populer
IDR 10juta
IDR 20juta
IDR 35juta

Proyeksi trafik
Customer Journey
Lanskap kompetitor
Riset kata kunci
Strategi konten & rekomendasi
Skema Markup (saran & pengadaan)
Tambahan: profil backlink & proyeksinya
Laporan terkini SEO & analisisnya
Konten & kalendar editorial
Website dua bahasa
Website multiregional
Pasar Global
Bantuan perombakan website & checklist
Pelacakan posisi keyword
Rekomendasi halaman produk
Pemantauan & penyesuaian terkait pembaruan algoritma Google
Optimasi halaman produk
Analisis kompetisi pasar
Proyeksi trafik
Customer Journey
Lanskap kompetitor
Riset kata kunci
Strategi konten & rekomendasi
Skema Markup (saran & pengadaan)
Tambahan: profil backlink & proyeksinya
Laporan terkini SEO & analisisnya
Konten & kalendar editorial
Website dua bahasa
Website multiregional
Pasar Global
Bantuan perombakan website & checklist
Pelacakan posisi keyword
Rekomendasi halaman produk
Pemantauan & penyesuaian terkait pembaruan algoritma Google
Optimasi halaman produk
Analisis kompetisi pasar

Meningkatkan trafik organik
Menyelesaikan masalah on-page
Menangkap pasar atau permintaan baru
Meningkatkan distribusi kata kunci
Menargetkan kata kunci spesifik
Meraih ranking dalam market share organik
Tujuan yang dipersonalisasi, selain yang disebutkan di atas
Meningkatkan trafik organik
Menyelesaikan masalah on-page
Menangkap pasar atau permintaan baru
Meningkatkan distribusi kata kunci
Menargetkan kata kunci spesifik
Meraih ranking dalam market share organik
Tujuan yang dipersonalisasi, selain yang disebutkan di atas

Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku, baca selengkapnya?

Proyeksi trafik
Customer Journey
Lanskap kompetitor
Riset kata kunci
Strategi konten & rekomendasi
Skema Markup (saran & pengadaan
Tambahan: profil backlink & proyeksinya
Laporan terkini SEO & analisisnya
Konten & kalendar editorial
Website dua bahasa
Website multiregional
Pasar Global

Proyeksi trafik
Customer Journey
Lanskap kompetitor
Riset kata kunci
Strategi konten & rekomendasi
Skema Markup (saran & pengadaan
Tambahan: profil backlink & proyeksinya
Laporan terkini SEO & analisisnya
Konten & kalendar editorial
Website dua bahasa
Website multiregional
Pasar Global
Pasar / Ceruk
Tujuan SEO Anda
Umur Website
Tim Penulis
Pemahaman SEO Anda (1-3 atau 0)
Adakah keyword yang ditargetkan?
cmlabs akan membantu web anda
cmlabs konsultan SEO pertama Anda?
Jumlah Halaman Online*
Website Anda (personal/perusahaan)*
Nomor Whatsapp*
Alamat Email*
Atur pertemuan?

Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku, baca selengkapnya?

Pasar / Ceruk


Tujuan SEO Anda

Umur Website


Tim Penulis

Pemahaman SEO Anda (1-3 atau 0)

Adakah keyword yang ditargetkan?

cmlabs akan membantu web anda

cmlabs konsultan SEO pertama Anda?

Jumlah Halaman Online*

Website Anda (personal/perusahaan)*

Nomor Whatsapp*

Alamat Email*

Atur pertemuan?


Traffic Projection Calculator

Teknologi terbaru kami untuk memproyeksikan traffic website.

Coba Proyeksi
Project Traffic Calculator Illustration

Mengapa harus Jasa SEO cmlabs?

Coba Jasa SEO cmlabs dari cmlabs! Tim ahli SEO kami mengutamakan strategi in-depth untuk kesuksesan yang komprehensif

Analisa Mendalam

Kami mengutamakan analisis mendalam pada data, tren, dan algoritma untuk visibilitas jangka panjang

Rencana dan Prioritas Jelas

Menyediakan perencanaan editorial konten dan peningkatan produk secara komprehensif

Multi Kolaborator

Pakar SEO kami akan berkolaborasi dengan Anda untuk melengkapi kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

Laporan Komprehensif

Kami akan menyediakan laporan dan update perkembangan SEO Anda secara rutin dan berbasis data.

Kami Hadirkan SEOlusi
Untuk Setiap Ekspetasi

Jangan Tertinggal! Jadilah market leader sekarang!

cmlabs sukses mendukung AQUA, perusahaan air mineral terkemuka, meningkatkan organic traffic dan visibilitas digitalnya secara signifikan.
Sebagai layanan kesehatan ternama, SILOAM HOSPITALS sukses tingkatkan traffic, kepuasan & kepercayaan pelanggan dengan bantuan cmlabs.
OCBC NISP adalah perusahaan perbankan terkenal di Indonesia. Dengan strategi berbasis data, cmlabs sukses mengkokohkan pangsa pasarnya.≈

Professional SEO Services by cmlabs

SEO Services Indonesia cmlabs: Reach #1 Ranking on Google

Ditulis oleh cmlabs 05 June, 2023

Along with the increase in online search activity in Indonesia, businesses also increasingly need Indonesian SEO services for sustainability in this digital era. The percentage of internet penetration has increased from 73.7% in 2019-2020 to 78.19% in the 2022-2023 period.

Given the increase in online searches, the market competition is becoming increasingly competitive, which encourages business people to increase their digital presence in order to continue to exist. The way that can be done in this case is to gain organic traffic to the website, not through marketing with paid advertisements.

This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services play a vital role. With professional SEO services from cmlabs, various types of businesses, be they micro, medium, or enterprise, can benefit from the various optimization strategies implemented.

What is SEO?

SEO is a website optimization method using focused keywords based on search queries on search engines like Google. The method for increasing website ranking is done by ensuring the website is user-friendly and meets set SEO standards.

Through cmlabs SEO Services, you can get website optimization services with tested and effective strategies. We understand that every website has different needs. That's why we offer personalized SEO service packages. From on-page and off-page optimization to high-quality content writing, we are here to help you achieve your online business goals.

SEO Trends in Indonesia You Should Pay Attention to

The increasing penetration of the internet makes the need for digital business marketing even more necessary. This also needs to be done by paying attention to search engine-based online search trends in Indonesia.

Here are some SEO trends that need attention so that business visibility and brand awareness can increase:

Improved Online Search

As mentioned earlier, every year there is a significant increase in the number of internet users in Indonesia.

More and more people are relying on search engines to find information, products, and services. This presents great opportunities for businesses to increase visibility and get more organic traffic through trusted website SEO services.

Increasingly Fierce Competition in the Digital Realm

The growth of online businesses in Indonesia has led to increasingly fierce competition. More and more companies are realizing the importance of website creation services.

In this case, you will see lots of business websites competing to get top rankings on the SERPs to reach a wider audience. Having an optimally performed SEO website allows businesses to gain a higher market share in the digital realm.

Mobile Device Optimization

The use of mobile devices is increasing in Indonesia with the existence of smartphones. So it's important for businesses to optimize the mobile versions of their websites.

Optimization for mobile devices can be an important factor in SEO Google since the search engine pays more attention to websites that provide a good user experience on mobile devices.

Better User Experience

A positive website browsing experience for users can be an important factor in improving SEO performance.

A website that loads quickly, has easy navigation, and has an attractive design will certainly get a better rating from a search engine.

High Quality and Relevant Content

Content remains a key factor in SEO. However, there is an increasing need for quality content that is relevant to the search interests of internet users in Indonesia.

Content production also needs to optimize the use of relevant keywords to increase the chances of website pages appearing in better rankings.

The Importance of Indonesian SEO Services for Business Growth

To grow a business in this digital era, conventional marketing strategies in print media and national TV broadcasts are becoming less effective. Today, most Indonesians depend on the existence of the internet to find the latest information.

In January 2023, there were 212.9 million active internet users in Indonesia. That means about 77% of the total population in this country actively searches for information on the internet every day.

This search habit can open up opportunities for businesses to grow even more rapidly by focusing on optimizing their online presence. The solution we offer is the use of guaranteed SEO services to reach the online market in a measurable way.

Here are some of the main advantages of a website optimization strategy to excel in online business competition:

Driving Business Visibility

Website optimization services cover a variety of comprehensive techniques and strategies aimed at optimizing business performance on search results pages (SERPs).

By implementing SEO practices, organic traffic will increase and drive the visibility of business websites efficiently.

Efficient and Consistent Growth

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, so it's important for businesses to invest organically in their digital marketing efforts. This needs to be done to save on marketing costs that may swell due to paid advertising.

For example, using monthly SEO services does not require a large budget because it does not depend on paid advertising costs, which only focus on leads and conversions. It means that SEO price is more affordable than paid advertising that costs a lot.

Cheap SEO prices are more valuable than paid advertisements because they cover all website optimization efforts in a comprehensive manner. Nevertheless, there are ranges of prices for SEO services that may fit businesses of any scale.

Focus on Local Market

In order to reach target consumers evenly, local SEO strategies need to be implemented so your business can appear in a local search result.

This service uses specific techniques and strategies for the Indonesian market, taking into account the behavior of the target user on a local scale.

That way, the information obtained is relevant to the search activities of local people who are interested in certain business niches.

Solid Business Foundation

Making a well-designed and functional website requires professional assistance. This is a way to ensure your online presence is credible in the eyes of users.

The best SEO services can ensure your website gets recognition from search engines from the very beginning. This strong online business foundation can provide fresh air for effective business growth in the digital era.

How Indonesian SEO Services from cmlabs Help Your Business

As a business player in Indonesia, organic digital marketing needs to be considered for business continuity in line with the increasing trend of online search.

For that reason, outsource SEO needs to be done by paying attention to the quality and reputation of the website optimization service provider. The SEO services offered by cmlabs include the following three factors:

Professional SEO Team: Consists of SEO team, Content Writers and Developers that focuses on website optimization from a technical and content standpoint. The collaboration of these teams is needed to achieve optimal business performance.

Personalized approach: SEO is a website optimization strategy that needs to be done by considering the business niche. This factor is considered as a strategy to develop the potential of the website so that it can outperform the competition on the SERPs.

Transparent SEO reports: Handled professionally present reports on website performance developments in a transparent manner. The submission of this report is carried out in accordance with the requests and conditions agreed upon by the client.

Services that cmlabs Offers

Digital marketing efforts through website optimization services have a variety of different exigencies. This can be seen from the size of the business and the promotional needs that you set for yourself.

cmlabs offers a website optimization strategy incorporated into SEO Indonesia with the following three options:

SEO Services: We offer website optimization methods from various sides, including technical and content. Clients can receive website audit services by SEO specialists and content planning and production carried out according to SEO rules.

SEO Content Writing: If you need content written for your website, you can choose SEO content writing services. This service focuses on content production to support the performance of business websites so that they can bring in organic traffic on an ongoing basis without increasing the marketing budget.

Media Buying: Media buying services can give your business brand mentions on well-known blogs or online publishers in Indonesia. Through this service, cmlabs can provide quality backlinks and advertorials that can boost website authority on the SERPs.

SEO services from cmlabs offer a comprehensive website optimization strategy. Businesspeople can develop a digital business presence and maintain it in the long term.

Get a consultation from our marketing team to get various business promotion benefits through the Indonesian SEO Services cmlabs. To understand more about cmlabs, please visit our main website.

Butuh bantuan?

Ceritakan tentang kebutuhan SEO Anda, tim marketing kami akan membantu menemukan solusi terbaik.

Berikut daftar tim kami secara resmi dan diakui, hati-hati terhadap penipuan oknum tidak bertanggung jawab yang mengatasnamakan PT cmlabs Indonesia Digital (cmlabs). Baca lebih lanjut
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Jadi yang Terdepan: Memperkenalkan Vanguard - Jalan Pintas untuk Mengoptimalkan Websitemu. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi tim kami.


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